I like this blogging thing. I like meeting people who write things that I find interesting. I like people who read and comment about what I write. I’m a communicator and I like other communicators.
As for religion I‘m a Freethinker.
Politically (and most other ways) I’m Independent but I lean toward the left.
I believe in Karma. What goes around comes around.
I don't believe in drug medecine. If I were to break a leg I would go to the emergency room but other than trauma I prefer to take care of myself with a good diet. Except for coffee in the mornings I don't do any drugs at all and I have very little patience with people who are impaired mentally due to drugs and/or alcohol.
I'm in excellent health.
I'm a responsible person and I prefer the company of other responsible people.
I’m a cat person. I like dogs and all animals but the pets I choose to have in my home are cats. I have two of them.
I’m a bookworm. I read a lot, mostly non-fiction. I like to read books about nutrition and health. I'm on the McDougall program now and find that I feel best eating a vegetarian starch based diet.
I’m independent. I’ve been married and I’ve been single in my life. Mostly single.
Born in South Dakota, raised in Minnesota, I spent 13 years in Southern California, 4 years in Virginia, and I’ve been in Southwest Florida for 20 years now.
My life is well ordered and low key.
I’ve learned some things in my life so far.
I’ve learned that the people who love and care for themselves are the same ones who have the ability to love and care for me. People who let themselves be abused will expect me to accept the same fate.
I’ve learned that people don’t do things for reasons. They decide what they want to do and then explain their behavior with reasons. Desire will always trump reason.
I’ve learned that in relation to others, its best to let them go. The only way to know how someone truly feels about me is if I set them free.
I’ve learned that I prefer to be alone rather than put up with people that I don’t care about. There is no rule saying I have to put up with everybody who comes along.
I’ve learned that my life is my own creation. It isn’t anybody else’s fault.
I’ve learned that things are a lot easier to deal with when I’m not wasting time and energy deciding whether they should or shouldn’t be happening. If they are then they should.
I’ve learned that the best way to have a good life is to arrange it so that the things I most enjoy are the things I do most often.
I’ve learned a lot more things than just these and I know I have a lot more to learn coming up but I have to let it go somewhere along in here and move on.
Here I am in 1991 Singing and telling a joke for my mother for Mother's Day.A song and a joke