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Forever is composed of nows - Emily Dickinson

About Me

In the attitude of silence the soul finds the path in a clearer light, and what is elusive and deceptive resolves itself into crystal clearness. Our life is a long and arduous quest after truth.

My Interests

you can ask me many questions about what interests i posess; what movies i prefer to watch, what music, drugs or dress. you'll say, "do you enjoy the heat, the rain, the snow or overcast?" accomplishing nothing by my answer, you know me even less. your interests can always change their ways, and who you are cannot; sad, but true, you lie about them and hope you don't get caught. who you are is everything; it's your weakness, it's your strength. it's your individuality, it's vital in life's length. imagine yourself in a garden deep in your repose; on a path of self discovery, you clip a single rose. don't view this beauty as a whole, are you a petal, or a thorn? for the human mind has set its ways from the moment we are born...-Blaine Marie

I'd like to meet:


Rock n' Ro' baby, Rock n' Ro'....


don't watch it much



My Blog

Bound-a poem by Blaine Marie

Smothered like a pillow over empty infant's face, i fear the world around me will disintegrate in space, i'm searching for a willow, with friendly branches and leaves, to take me in her kindly arms an...
Posted by blainer on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

i have no subject

so i am fairly new to this whole "myspace" thing. i used to use xanga but it, to my misfortunate surprise, turned out to  be virus-connected. oh well, i just moved back into california to attend ...
Posted by blainer on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST