Ask and I shall deliver. Death.
Someone from another dimension... anyone?
Trance, Russian Rock, Bardy, New Age... willing to try anything but Country.
Waiting for "Avatar", "Obitaemyi Ostrov"...favorites: English: Brazil Russian: Come and See (Idi i smotri), Stalker.
Family Guy, Master i Margarita, Battlestar Galactica, Bullshit, KVN, Comedy Club.I heard Futurama is returning... bite my shiny metal ass, executives who cancelled it!!!
Currently reading Daniel Dennett's "Breaking the Spell", Hofstadters's "I Am a Strange Loop" and Nik Perumov's "Sem' Zverei Raleiga"...Favourites: Strugatski Brothers - everything, John F. Schumaker - "Wings of Illusion", Luk'yanenko -- everything, Stanislau Lem -- "Summa technologica", Richard Dawkins - everything...
I know she knows that I'm not fond of asking, true or false it may, she's still out to get me.....