Kazakhstan's nat'l resources, like human pubis
no one, i'll end up hating them if I meet Meg Griffen first...My fave pres Thomas Jefferson, but he's dead. well ok.....any remaining dinosaurs that survived the iridium spike after the late Cretaceous/Tertiary extinction period, and if they arent around, that fuckhead Paris Hilton so I could swap my cerebral matter with hers, yet have her status as an heiress, Yet I’d be quite the reverse, I would not be the disreputably loathsome, narcissistic, maladroit person the media is besotted with. ..But someone virtuous like help prevent global warming, get us out of Iraq and meddling in ALL other sovereign nations' biznass, reform the political system or run for Libertariian office and concern myself with governing rather than amassing power and rewarding cronies
yes, I like music like the stuff that my ears dance to
yes, I also enjoy cinematic creations, preferably non-American
WILL & GRACE, GiLMORe GirlS, GrAY's ANaTomY, DeSPerate, HOUSeWiveS, fAmILY gUY, 7TH hEAVEN, dAILY shOW, sOUTHPARK, Medium, Strong Medicine, Hogan Knows best!
anything by tom robbins or Ayn Rand but usually I'm like my brother & just too fast for words
Mr. Woozles Ayn Rand Gaea