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About Me

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I am a Navy Vet enjoying life now. I have traveled to many places in 16 years of services. I have seen many countries, been thru 3 conflicts. I am a sailor and miss traveling the oceans and seas of the world. I enjoy many things but most of all. I enjoy beautiful women. In my many travels I have encountered many loves as a sailor. Now I no longer have my sea legs and have left many loves behind. I have no regrets and will always remember the love I have shared. I am settle now enjoying retirement. I have four wonderful daughters to care for. Elaine, my oldest my first joy in my life when she was born, now she is older and I love her dearly. Daniela is my second she is different, makes me laugh when I don't want to and it drives me crazy and Nicole my third youngest joy I just watch her grow. On 14 AUGUST 2007 I HAVE BEEN BLESSED WITH A BEAUTIFUL DAUGHTER 6 POUNDS 14 OZ. HER NAME IS AMY PAULA CASTILLO SHE IS MY FOURTH DAUGHTER, SHE HAS ALL MY ATTENTION. ON 20 SEPTEMBER 2007 I WAS BLESSED WITH A GRANDAUGHTER NAMED CARMENLITA E. CASTILLO. I FEEL I HAVE BEEN BLESSED BY MY LORD. They all are a big part of me. My and Kieu, I love them dearly until the end of my days.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

----------------------------------------------------------- Jessica Alba, Nikki Cox, Michelle Yeow and Nia Peeples are some actress I would like to meet. I enjoy looking at beautiful women. I perfer women that can openly talk about things and not be shy and have sense of humor.

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