well wher do i start.... i love fashion...yes i adore to shop til i drop!!! ; )illustration and arts yes im a art-Y kinda gal...going out for a boogie o0ogie on the dancefloor..love going to the gym and addicted to pump classes atm!! 0o0h love my morning coffeee oh wat a start to my day.. and my sugar hits hmmmmm LOLLIES!
i love people who impact my life good and bad who love to love me and learn to love me as im a dificult creature to understand however under my very cold exterior im just a soft marshmello (literally) hehe im a big softy at heart and u if u kno me u can make me do anything 4 u just because i love u ! i love the experience of meeting new people learning what makes them tick and hw quick i can crack them !! hehe
i do detest i must say ppl who allow themselves to be filled with hatred. people who have nothing better to do but hurt someone else intentially...these people should realise that every moment u waste hurting someone else is a moment ur wasting someone treating u well.
I'd like to meet:
people that impact and change ur life !!
all kinds of music but i love a funky beat with vocals to sing along to!!!(no i dont have a good voice but hey a gal can dream) ; )
oh did i fail to mention INCUBUS!!OH MY! the chilli peps! hey n throw in a few maroon 5 songs!!
o0o0o0 meet joe black...all time fave..scarface..im a cartoon lover so monsters inc..brother bear...any any cute little movies that make me smile!!
oh need i say more PRISON BREAK... double dose of eye candy hmmmmmmm.....
magz..and books with illustrations and graphics to inspire me.
all people out there that stop and take a second to make someone else smile...