Name: Baz
I'm Barry or Baz
I'm [S]ingle
I Really Enjoy Music && I Love My Friends.
I'm Not A Typical Guy.
-I Look For Long Term Relationships[ONLY]
-I Love People Who Aren't Afraid To Take Chances.
-I Support Who I Love In Their Endeavors.
I Really Like
-The Beach
-Video Games
My obsession is inexorable. An eternal quest for insatiable romance. Childish, perhaps naïve, but inescapable.
I do not expect perfection. I expect only courage and truth.
This is who I am.
My AIM Screen Name - bansheenc
My YAHOO Screen Name - baz_nc
My MSN Addy - [email protected]
I want equal rights and to be treated just as anyone else, but when you have Pride Marches where a bunch of queens are on a parade and acting like the world's last fag, I feel it just reinforces an already homophobic society. I believe if you are going to march for something, no matter what it may be, be yourself!
A prime example of the gay community being hypocritical is the belief that mainstream America should have Ellen kissing on prime time, but when another person opposes the gay community (Dr. Laura), they should be boycotted, etc. I say be receptive even to narrow-minded views and instead of hashing on what you can't change, work on things you can. my soapbox.