About Me
I am regarded as the leading civilian authority on the United States Secret Service, especially with regard to the JFK/ LBJ years (I have interviewed and corresponded with over 70 former agents and family members, a world's record! The Warren Commission: 12). I have appeared on the History Channel, in the ARRB's Final Report, on radio, in newspapers, in over 45 other author's books and counting(notably, 'Murder In Dealey Plaza' & 'The Secret Service: The Hiddden History Of An Enigmatic Agency'), and all over the internet.My own book *****'Survivor's Guilt: The Secret Service & The Failure To Protect The President'*** IS OUT NOW---http://www.assassinationresearch.com/v4n1.htmlAS IS MY SECOND BOOK, "JFK: THE MEDICAL EVIDENCE REFERENCE.---http://www.assassinationresearch.com/v4n2.htmlV
ince Bugliosi, famous Charles Manson prosecutor and author of "Helter Skelter" ansd "Outrage", has called me a "Secret Service expert" in his 2008 book "Four Days In November"!---Vince Bugliosi letter to Vince Palamara dated 7/14/07:"I want you to know that I am very impressed with your research abilities and the enormous amount of work you put into your investigation of the Secret Service regarding the assassination. You are, unquestionably, the main authority on the Secret Service with regard to the assassination. I agree with you that they did not do a good job protecting the president (e.g. see p. 1443 of my book)...""MURDER IN DEALEY PLAZA" (2000) BY JAMES FETZER [2 whole chapters by Vince Palamara; favorable mention by Publisher's Weekly; Amazon.Com "best-seller"]---Publisher's Weekly, 8/28/00: "A compendium of recent thought and discovery about the Kennedy assassination, this volume makes a case for official malfeasance and against the "lone gunman" explanation...Vincent Palamara names several Secret Service agents who he believes may have been compromised...This coolly angry dismantling of the theories of the Warren commission and lone-gunman supporters like Gerald Posner will be fodder for conspiracy theorists. "Notable Duquesne Alumni:
pleCalled a "Secret Service expert" by The History Channel (have appeared on the network 4 times, including on a best-selling DVD)In an official government report handed to President Bill Clinton in 1998!!! :)---------------------------------------Former (JFK/ LBJ/ other era) Secret Service agents--and related surviving family members---interviewed by Vince Palamara (and/ or in correspondence with [if *= on some part of Texas trip of 11/21-11/22/63]):
Jerry Behn+wife+daughter, Floyd Boring, June Kellerman (widow of *Roy Kellerman), Richard Greer (son of the late *William Greer) *Winston Lawson, *Forrest Sorrels, *Clint Hill, *Sam Kinney+wife, *Tim McIntyre, *Paul Landis, *John Ready, *Rufus Youngblood, *Jerry Kivett, *Lem Johns, *Don Lawton, *Sam Sulliman, *Jerry Bechtle+son, *Walt Coughlin, *Richard Johnsen, *Ernest Olsson, *Ron Pontius, *Jim Goodenough, Ned Hall III (son of the late * Ned Hall II), *Art Godfrey, *Jerry Blaine, *Ken Giannoules, *Jerry O'Rourke, *Robert Steuart, *John Joe Howlett, *Frank Yeager, Talmadge Bailey, G. d'Andelot Belin, Abraham Bolden+son, Robert Bouck, Eve Dempsher, Earl Drescher, Stanley Galup, Winston Gintz, Hamilton Brown (AFAUSSS), Tom Heuerman, Darwin Horn, Radford Jones, Kent Jordan, Dale Keaner, H. Stuart Knight, Harry D. Anheier, Jr. (son of the late Harry D. Anheier, Sr.), John E. Campion (friend of the late agent with exact same name, John E. Campion), Mark Crouch (re: the late James K. Fox), Mark Harmon, Bob Lilley, Bill Livingood, Mike Maddaloni, Bill Carter, Howell Purvis, Charles Marass, Maurice Martineau+son, Bill McCord, Lynn S. Meredith, Ed Morey, Vince Mroz, Larry Newman, John Norris, Joe Paollela, Jerry Parr, George Rogers, James Rowley, Paul Rundle, Terry Samway, Rex Scouten, Tony Sherman, Frank Slocum, Robert Snow, Donald Stebbins (AFAUSSS), Frank Stoner+wife, Jacques Tangy (friend of the late Andy Hutch), Michael Torina, Ken Wiesman, Dale Wunderlich, Chuck Zboril+wife, Robert DeProspero (attempted), John Barletta; ALSO: Marrion Baker (DPD, rode in motorcade), Gary Beckworth (son of the late Congressman Lindley Beckworth, rode in motorcade), Samuel Bellah (DPD, rode in motorcade), Kent Biffle (reporter, DMN, rode in motorcade), Chester Boyers (Bethesda), Madeleine Duncan Brown, Henry Burroughs (Reporter, rode in motorcade), Dr. Charles Crenshaw (Parkland), Cortlandt Cunningham (FBI, limousine), Dr. Donald Curtis (Parkland), Jerrol Custer (Bethesda), Stavis Ellis (DPD, rode in motorcade), Florida Congressman Sam Gibbons (rode in motorcade 11/18/63 Tampa), Dr. Adolph Giesecke (Parkland), Evalea Glanges (Parkland), Vincent Gullo (C-130), Nurse Patricia Hutton Gustafson (Parkland), William Harper (Harper fragment), Gerald Patrick Hemming, Dr. James J. Humes (Bethesda), Bobbie Jacks (wife of the late Hurchel Jacks who rode in motorcade), Dr. Donald Jackson (Parkland), Dr. Ronald Jones (Parkland), Mrs. Layton Ledbetter (widow), Richard Lipsey (Bethesda), Mrs. Billie Martinets (Parkland), Palmer McBride (friend of LHO), Dr. Robert McClelland (Parkland), Reporter Sarah McClendon, Reporter Jack Moseley (Fort Worth), Dr. Gerard Noteboom (Methodist Hospital), Paul O'Connor (Bethesda), Beverly Oliver, Dr. William Osborne (Parkland), Dr. Malcolm Perry (Parkland), Dr. Paul Peters (Parkland), Dr. Boris Porto (son of Dr. Lito Porto, Parkland), Dave Powers (rode in motorcade), Jack Puterbaugh (rode in motorcade), Don Rebentisch (Bethesda), Aubrey Rike (Parkland), Dr. William Risk (Parkland), Dr. Earl Rose (Parkland), Jan Gail "Nick" Rudnicki (Bethesda), Dr. Donald Seldin (Parkland), James Sibert (FBI, Bethesda), Cecil Stoughton (rode in motorcade), John Stringer (Bethesda), Marty Underwood (DNC advance man, on Texas trip), Shari Angel Weston, George Whitmeyer, Jr. (son of the late George Whitmeyer, Sr., rode in motorcade), Milton Wright (rode in motorcade), Tony Zappone (photographer, witnessed 11/18/63 Tampa motorcade), Dr. William Zedlitz (Parkland, DISCOVERED BY VINCE PALAMARA IN 1998; mentioned in WC volumes; see Bugliosi book), Reid McNally (grandson of the late George J. McNally, on Texas trip), John Letteer (nephew of the late Roy Letteer) etc. [note: *Texas trip agents contacted, did not respond back despite repeated attempts: Toby Chandler, Donald Bendickson, Bob Burke, family of the late Bert DeFreese, William Duncan, Robert Faison, Robert Lockwood, Mrs. Emory (Betty) Roberts (widow)]