Book Common Cycles
Can you feel the wind blowing on the back of your neck? The sun shining on your face? The ground beneath your feet?
The Earth spins around the sun. The moon spins around the Earth. And the cycles of our lives spin around like bored six year olds, eventually either standing and regaining balance, or falling.
Will you stand till your end comes?
Will you let the injustices of this planet control your destiny?
The world, unfortunately, is a cruel place; Despite the encouragement to be an individual, we are still put down and even killed for our eccentricities. It's falling apart around us.
We are who we are. Our lives are determined by the choices we make and the consequences we are given for those choices, whether they be good or bad. Memories show us all that even though times may be tough, all was well at one point in time and also help us learn from our mistakes and move on. Often, the cycles of our lives are similar or even synonymous with other's, thus making common cycles.
Our lives are far too short to waste. Live your life, don't let it slip.
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