Kiedy to sie zaczelo... duszny pokój w nowym mieszkaniu, dokola stos pudel z "niezbednymi" rzeczami. Na podlodze otwarte pudelko z podwójna plyta Smashing Pumpkins "Mellon Collie and Infinite Sadness". Minuty, godziny, dni, tygodnie, miesiace, lata... Pierwsza gitara elektryczna, niebieski stratocaster, pierwsze utwory... Poznawanie coraz swiezszej muzyki - Radiohead, Placebo, Our Lady Peace... przelotny romans z jazzem... przerazajace poczatki na lekcjach spiewu... pierwsze wystepy... pierwsze porazki... wzloty i upadki. Wtedy z gruzów naszego jestestwa powstaje cos wspanialego, wynioslego i odurzajacego. The Recycling Center. By z niczego stworzyc cos pieknego.
The Recycling Center comes to life on a windy evening in the shack behind my house in the spring of 2007. Two young men meet to discuss the ups, downs and various curves of Avril Lavigne's career and musical accomplishments. Luck has it a guitar is nearby and the first songs come to life.
A blend of rock, pop, dash of indie and a pinch of emo - "we were brought together by a relentless need to create music that would move, sometimes disturb, sometimes soothe - but always make you stop and think. We believe the songs we've prepared are of that kind and will be enjoyed."
Booking Information/ Contact: 509 088 785 - Michal Poplawski
email address: therecyclingcenter at