For me personally, I love people and love making friends. I'm always interested in what people have to say and I'm a big believer in listening, as it is the most important part of communication. Additionally, I am in a romantic relationship with the most beautiful woman in the world and I am happily planning on spending the rest of my life exclusively with her. Please do NOT try to "Hook-Up" with me... I am totally committed and uninterested in anyone other than the woman I love.
For TMR Enterprises, I'm interested in anyone with talent. TMR Records is not a Genre specific label, so don't be confused by our location. TMR Agency is associated with major NYC and Hollywood connections and we are regularly working deals all over the world, so we have no geographic limitations regarding our abilities for placements. We are so outside the box that we will consider working under any circumstances as long as it has the potential to be successful. If you've got talent, show it to me and maybe we can show it to the world.