The genie in the bottle..
From Bach to bluegrass, so quicker just to say I don't like death metal..
The Piano & Amélie...the soundtrack of my life for about oh...ten years..each. Stardust was pretty brilliant too(also featuring fabulous soundtrack...) and the only film I saw almost as many times as a Harry Potter flick!
My addiction to newspapers (partially courtesy of my Political Science tutorer flatmate) is nicely balanced by an almost equally large addiction to the Harry Potter series. Or at least it was..you can only re-read your favourite books so many times! Fabulous fantasy and cold reality, technical document translation and riduculously over the top performance art...aaaahhh...life's perfect balance...
Nelson Mandela and Bishop Desmond Tutu..and a couple of other people who shall remain nameless since I'm privileged enough to know them..