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About Me

Long long ago in a land far away, after winning a competition for the Australian Chamber Orchestra to workshop this mad ensemble piece I wrote whilst studying under the fab Australian composer, Matthew Hindson, a few further musical adventures followed and I started studying composition at Sydney Uni. For about two weeks. Strangely, I wanted something a little different from the last eleven years of school (and my melodic dictation was depressingly crap) so I wholeheartedly threw myself into continuing learning Irish Gaelic, which I'd smartly decided to take up when I was supposed to be studying for my final school exams. I was a bit too studious though, and ditched uni entirely when I found out I'd learnt more Irish in six months than I'd ever learn sticking to the course. The rest really is history. I finally ended up in Ireland for good in 2000 and basically have had the maddest trip ever since, encompassing everything from working as an Oompa Loompa, Rainbow Fairy and Fire Monster (though conveniently not all at the same time..or even gig..), various nightclub adventures with drag kings and queens and angle grinders, a TV documentary (I think they were connected), enough stiltwalking to almost get me back to Oz, art and circus skills workshops for schools, one art exhibition (more stilts..), way waaaay too many kids' birthday parties and balloon poodles, a seriously scary and stressful stint as a public representative (and I thought working with fire was dangerous!), an even briefer stint as a TV presenter, and well loads of other adventures in between. (In between loads of translation to be precise..)Current artistic projects include the development of my troupe of Celtic Warrior Stiltwalking Djembe Drummers, Na Fomhóraigh, into a fully-fledged street theatre production, with the kind assistance of Údarás na Gaeltachta. Our walkabout show now includes a scripted piece in Irish with choreographed swordfighting action drama (!) and is due to launch in Connemara and Daingean/Dingle this May. A slideshow of the production can be viewed at troupe of fire artists I brought together late last year, Prometheus, is also coming along really well and we're working on a great routine for this summer too. You can check out some of the other stiltwalking/fire etc gig pix and my artwork in the pic link as well.So there you go. I was going to be all cool and minimalist and only say a little bit, but this was more fun..and in lieu of something better to end with, Choose Happiness.

My Interests


I'd like to meet:

The genie in the bottle..


From Bach to bluegrass, so quicker just to say I don't like death metal..


The Piano & Amélie...the soundtrack of my life for about oh...ten years..each. Stardust was pretty brilliant too(also featuring fabulous soundtrack...) and the only film I saw almost as many times as a Harry Potter flick!




My addiction to newspapers (partially courtesy of my Political Science tutorer flatmate) is nicely balanced by an almost equally large addiction to the Harry Potter series. Or at least it can only re-read your favourite books so many times! Fabulous fantasy and cold reality, technical document translation and riduculously over the top performance's perfect balance...


Nelson Mandela and Bishop Desmond Tutu..and a couple of other people who shall remain nameless since I'm privileged enough to know them..

My Blog

What to do when called a Serious Extremist

Laugh. Really really hard for several long minutes as you try to figure out how a former birthday party clown, oompa loompa and rainbow fairy gets called "A Serious Extremist". Apparently it's because...
Posted by Ariel on Sun, 01 Jul 2007 06:52:00 PST

Performing at Electric Picnic August Bank Holiday Weekend 31st - 2nd September 2007

..> More stiltwalking fabulousness at the coolest festival in Ireland from the costume design brilliance of Whirlygig with the best butterfly makeup I can muster...some seriously amazing designs f...
Posted by Ariel on Sun, 01 Jul 2007 06:54:00 PST