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Phi chan's

About Me

About me..hmh, please call me Phi or Dani, which ever, I don't mind. i don't like my name (Phi Dan) - it's super dodgie and misleading. My best friends - Jenny and Sharon, sending my girls air kisses through express post as we speak.
Love, love, love; volleyball, art, literature (reading that is, I’m not too enthusiastic about writing. Actually my skills are damn straight shocking), online gaming, anime, manga and Japanese dramas. lol, I’m a total msn junkie and talkaholic. It’s safe to say, I don’t leave my computer (my no.1 baby). I’m a fully pledged fanatic of Harry Potter (the last 2 books were really dissapointing, it seems as if she published writer's block material - i'm sorry but that's just the way i see it ); World of warcraft (I’m still a lvl 49 noob); Matsumoto Jun, TOMA IKUTA!!! (makes any frown disappear ^^); and we cannot forget shonen animes!!! NARUTO
I hate to admit, but I do have a bubbly/vindictive personality (it’s bipolar I tell u ”) lol. I’m dominant and super talkative; however I really would rather listen then talk. I hate fakes, and people who take vanity too personally; it’s normal that we complain about our features but beauty exists within all of us no matter how distort we look.
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My Interests

i play volleyball. i love drawin (although my skills are hastily deteriorating). i'm into jdoramas (ehe god bless jun matsumoto ^^). love jap music especially ayumi ^^ and arashi keke (jun). i dont think i game that much but i do like gamin g xD (WoW and AOE). reading is in interest somewhere as well. lmao "

I'd like to meet:

you and you and you and you and ohs didn't forget YOU!!!!


ayumi hamasaki, ai otsuka, exile, arashi, melody, tension, se7en, lin jun jie, relient k, ryan tedders, cascada, benni benassi, SG wannabe, seeya, wang hom lee,tank (ehe - i like my music ^^)

I made this music player at MyFlashFetish .com.


hmm, lord of the rings 1&2, harry potter 1, Kill Bill 1, 2 weeks notice, mean girls... can't think of anymore "


Jap dramas - Gokusen, Hana Yori Dango, Nobuta Wo Produce, hana kimi, One litre of tears, akihabara@deep, HANA KIMI ^^, why why love, devil beside you
other stuff - Numb3rs, Desperate Housewives, Boston Legal, NCIS, neigbours, scrubs, ugly betty,HEROES!!, 24 ^^


Books - Harry Potter, Tales of the Otori, The Colour Purple, The Butterfly House, Finding Alibrandi, And Then There Were None, South of the Border West of the Sun, Norwegian woods, kafka by the shore, dance dance dance plus heaps more xD
Authors: J.K Rowling, Haruki Murakami, Lian Hearns, (i'm against Shakespeare and Hemingway, arrghh and not to mention Tolkien " (it's so OLD and boring, clearly people back then were too easily satisfied - tsk; such dignity bleh~!!!) ^^


Salad Lady aka super jenny and ~ lmao matsu JUN !! xD

My Blog

Toma Ikuta

hmm... For my first blog I'm going to have to start it off with a "sigh". (it's something that's been on my mind for a while - begging me to say it out before it self destructs inside) Now I've always...
Posted by Phi on Fri, 11 Jan 2008 11:51:00 PST