WAT lT D0! thls ls d0nna rae speakln 0n my cutty elm0. he g0 dumb 0n llke 14 dlferent gangsta levels. hes a nlce y0ung man nd he'll treat y0u g00d as hell lf y0u were t0 get wlt hlm. d0nt fucken take advangatge 0f hls sweetnes th0. th0se wh0 take klndness f0r bllndness wll get fucked 0ver. elther by karma 0r by me. he llves a crazle llfe. la vlda l0ca. but l g0t mad luvh f0r hlm. y0u g0tta be d0wn as fuck t0 be 0n my nlgguhs level. n0t many can d0 lt. get 0n 0ur level h0! h0lla at mah b0y lf y0u wana kn0 m0re. ::g0n::