Queen Adira profile picture

Queen Adira

don't blush when i rip you open.

About Me

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bow down to the queen of noise / crayon eyes draw boys.
From Another Roadside Attraction by Tom Robbins:
"Amanda, oh that's quite another matter. She was instantly likeable, instantly loveable, instantly seductive, instantly the mistress of my marrow, the speeder in my pulse... Her dark hair appears singed by campfires and she moves always as if to music; her manner mixes action and dream.
Like my own, her cheeks are chubby. Her features are more coarse than classical, but they are soaked with passion and grace. Her eyes shine as seeds in water do. Her mouth has triumphed over her front teeth, which are buckled like a derailed train. Far from distracting from her beauty, her crooked teeth cause her lips to protrude in a perpetual pout. Full and petulant, it is a mouth made for kissing and sucking; it pronounces her vowels as if they were fertility symbols, it sends men sliding helplessly over the arch of her Gene Tierney lisp."
************ From The Diary Of Anais Nin:
"His notes: black stockings, overfull bags, missing buttons, hair always falling down or about to topple down, a strand always falling over the eye, hasty dressing, mobility, no repose. Will not tell what school she went to, where she was raised as a child. Has two distinct manners, one refined, gracious, the other (when she loses her temper) crude like a street urchin. They correspond to her attitude about clothes. At times she has holes in her stockings, wears unwashed jeans, uses saftey pins to hold everything together. At other times she rushes to buy gloves, perfume. But all the time her eyes are carefully made-up, like the eyes on Egyptian frescoes."
"One of her phrases came back to my mind: 'No matter how badly things are going for me, I can always find someone who will pay for my champagne.'"
"I divined her life at that moment. She only believed in intimacy and proximity, in confessions born in the darkness of a bedroom, in quarrels born of alcohol, in communions born of exhausting walks through the city. She only believed in those words which came like the confessions of criminals after long exposure to hunger, to intense lights, to cross-questioning, to violent tearing away of masks."

My Interests

zoning out. drinking yr punk ass under the table.

I'd like to meet:

"I'm not a concept. Too many guys think I'm a concept or I complete them or I'm going to make them alive, but I'm just a fucked up girl who is looking for my own peace of mind. Don't assign me yours." - From Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind.

If you are a dreamer, come in,
If you are a dreamer, a wisher, a liar,
A hope-er, a pray-er, a magic bean buyer...
If you're a pretender, come sit by my fire
For we have some flax-golden tales to spin.
Come in!
Come in!

- Shel Silverstein

deviants, hipsters, freaks, poets, writers, artists, painters, dancers, thinkers, slackers, cutters, the trendy, the neurotic, gypsies, wanderers, travellers, road trippers, day trippers, head trippers, mindfuckers, mystics, mages, witches, warriors, street kids, dumpster divers, reality engineers, slam dancers, punk rockers, goths, mod kids, emo kids, indie rockers, rockers, metal heads, moshers, stoners, musicians, tattoo artists, record store clerks, dj's, promoters, models, photographers, film makers, actors, street teamers, alcoholics, junkies, those who party, straight edge kids, psychos, liberals, anarchists, activists, vegetarians, vegans, gay and lesbian kids, skateboarders, bartenders, strippers, singers, hippies, hobos, grafitti artists, performers, con artists, boys with long hair, heroin chic, hobo chic, vampires, nudists, fetish & bsdm-ers, club kids, ebm kids, industrial kids, groupies, hairdressers, hair experimenters, pirates, pretty boys, philosophers, explorers, and mostly those who take the road less travelled.


mazzy star, my ruin, tura satana, type o negative, pantera, h.i.m., dead can dance, siouxsie & the banshees, cocteau twins, diary of dreams, danzig, sepultura, switchblade symphony, otep, the genitorturers, tool, lacuna coil, the cure, portishead, jack off jill, ministry, babes in toyland, white / rob zombie, deftones, my bloody valentine, atari teenage riot, melt banana, merzbow, leonard cohen, juliette lewis & the licks, lords of acid, etc etc.


natural born killers, eternal sunshine of the spotless mind, henry and june, house of sand and fog, what the bleep do we know?, ginger snaps


the same dumb shit that everyone watches.


authors: henry miller, anais nin, charles bukowski, tom robbins, ee cummings. books: go ask ogre. the occult. persepolis. etc.


mickey & mallory knox. courtney love. dirty old alcoholic men who became writers and poets. june miller, clementine, and all sorts of entirely crazy women.

Dating & Relationship Advice
MySpace Layouts

My Blog

9th & Hennepin

9th & Hennepin by Tom Waits Well it's Ninth and HennepinAll the doughnuts have names that sound like prostitutesAnd the moon's teeth marks are on the sky Like a tarp thrown all over thisAnd t...
Posted by Queen Adira on Wed, 01 Nov 2006 03:43:00 PST

quiz stuff.

A is for age: 22.B is for beer of choice: Miller Lite, if I must. I don't really drink beer.C is for career right now: I really wouldn't call stripping a career.D is for your dog's name: I hate dogs.E...
Posted by Queen Adira on Wed, 19 Jul 2006 05:53:00 PST

my real blog.

Read my real blog: http://xoxoadira.livejournal.com. I am going to start posting in it again. I just went back & read my old entries & there is some hilarious shit in there - like when Peter &...
Posted by Queen Adira on Tue, 06 Jun 2006 10:44:00 PST

they were right about you.

two strippers. two cameras. one road trip across the usa. our lives on videotape. film school in los angeles. everything i've ever wanted. i wish i could tell you everything that's happened, but i do...
Posted by Queen Adira on Mon, 05 Jun 2006 05:21:00 PST

slamdancing to the blues

Slamdancing to the Blues by David Lerner there's a sadness that'sbetter than loveit fell in the airthe other night little girl facewith a mind as wild as Egypt she reads all the high-classsex literatu...
Posted by Queen Adira on Fri, 03 Feb 2006 09:21:00 PST

shards of madness

Old prose: A world of bordeom and madness. A world in which we see the stars from the gutter. A world of vulgarity and poetry, of eroticism and animalistic in nature. A world in which we slide back do...
Posted by Queen Adira on Fri, 20 Jan 2006 08:00:00 PST

fuck a blogger.

Shit, the last thing I need is another blog thingy to B.S. on all day like LiveJournal. Oh well. Hi, MySpace people. Can you search people by location? This whole search thing is becoming a pa...
Posted by Queen Adira on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST