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love scares me

I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

Once upon a time in a grimy city, I was Forced to sign a contract to be the sheep that i am today. Cemented to the ground so I cant move. Cigarettes, and numbing television programs and all kinds of artificially sweetened culture being dumped on my head everyday. Yet I smiled all through it.

My Interests

oh well... does it matter now?

I'd like to meet:

open minded people


I dont like music. I absolutely hate it.


Apocalypse Now, Spinal Tap, Borat.


the Sopranos, Lost, and Heroes (strictly on pirated DVD's with whacked subtitle. I'll watch a marathon of a whole season in one weekend)


invisible monsters, fight club, choke, lullaby, diary, survivor, the haunted, fugitives and refugees, stranger than fiction all by chuck palahniuk.... culture jam by kalle lasn... mari membaca sambil bernyanyi by budi m. suharjo


Not yet to be seen

My Blog


a. love b. needs c. addiction d. all of the above which one, baby?
Posted by love scares me on Sun, 01 Jan 2006 08:34:00 PST

pain is not for enjoyment

Why am i smelling pain? is it coming my way? Oh it's the type of pain that creeps from the core of the soul and works it way out... spreads everywhere. Leaving you crippled, inch by inch.
Posted by love scares me on Sun, 01 Jan 2006 08:27:00 PST

Bad Wisdom

BAD WISDOM (Suzanne Vega) Mother the doctor knows something is wrong Cause my body has strange information He's looked in my eyes and knows I'm not a child But he doesn't dare ask the right que...
Posted by love scares me on Sat, 17 Sep 2005 08:18:00 PST

Oh the intensity

Oh the intensity. All these voices stacked upon each other like dice. They dont stack dice where you come from? Well where i come from they do. Where i come from is no place you've heard of. Whoever y...
Posted by love scares me on Thu, 15 Sep 2005 04:25:00 PST

Letting my intestines do the thinking

with him singing next to me like this, it's easy to drown into the pond of spinning purple wool. i havent been alright. You didnt ask but i thought i'd let you know. These two boys inside of me, have ...
Posted by love scares me on Fri, 09 Sep 2005 11:51:00 PST

ayam yang biasa digoreng atau ayam yang biasa disenggama

1. POP !! seekor peri tiba-tiba muncul dihadapan anda... >>> Kenapa POP? Kenapa nggak ROCK? 2. apa yang anda lakukan pada jam 12 siang dan 12 malam terakhir ini >>> 12 siang : tergoda 12 malam...
Posted by love scares me on Tue, 30 Aug 2005 11:35:00 PST

you cant really tell when they're only 6

A letter from Ira, my friend in 1st grade: Hey I remember you. We were in first grade together. Your looks havent changed a bit. You were such a smartass kid... Haha...No I mean you were a smart ki...
Posted by love scares me on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

di sini tempat lahir beta

di sini tempat lahir beta... dibuai dibesarkan bunda... dan disini pula aku terperangkap. My Indonesia.... I love you for reasons I do not know, and hate you for reasons that keeps adding up everyday...
Posted by love scares me on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

together, but not reunited

(written so long ago... early 2004 when i came back to seattle) It's strange waking up to these foreign noises. Walking down the street and you hear ll these giberish, these people talking in a langu...
Posted by love scares me on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

i dont dress like you, but if you see me, you would wish you dress like me

Wonderin why i dress more and more like adriana la cerva form the sopranos since the last five months... but better of course! The gold the big hair.... but better of course!
Posted by love scares me on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST