Playing Drums, Music, Friend(s), Sleeping, Hookah, Cigars, Golf, Baseball, Raquetball
There is no ideal person(s) i'd like to meet. So, maybe just talk to me, then i'll let you know if you're someone i would have liked to have met.
Incubus, Midtown, Fall Out Boy, Taking Back Sunday, Blink-182, New Found Glory, Name Taken, Armor for Sleep, Coheed and Cambria, Brand New, Finch, Autopilot Off, RX Bandits, Bob Marley, A.F.I., hellogoodbye, Less than Jake, Billy Idol, The Cars, RUSH, Jimmy Eat World, 311, Tool, A Perfect Circle, Chevelle, Chuck Berry, Dashboard Confessional, Deftones, Death Cab for Cutie, Denver Harbor, Jack Johnson, Led Zeppelin, Less than Jake, Motion City Soundtrack, No Doubt, Pixies, Rage Against the Machine, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Reel Big Fish, Van Halen... y mas tambien!But most of all, this guy:
I watch movies.
I don't really watch much of it anymore, but i'm sadly addicted to One Tree Hill. Joria tied me up and forced me to watch the complete 3rd season on dvd in a span of 3 days. Now i can't wait till wednesday's come around so i can sit in front of my TV with Joria and watch 40 minutes of commercials, 15 minutes of tear-jerking, and 5 minutes of akward situations and/or laughter. Sometimes i'll watch another show here or there.
Harry Potter Books. Stuart Woods. I'd like to start reading more... but it's so hard...
Good guys in comic books are supposedly heroes. But who are MY heroes? I bet you'd like to know...