My interest are keeping a nice home,real jewelry,My kids,My grandkids,My family,Jobs and collecting nice funiture for my home.
I would like to meet,Travis Tritt,Rascal flats,Keith Sweat and the guys from surface,And many more,Oh and Reba McIntyre,I love her music.
I love a wide array of all diffrent kinds of music,My main is country but every Music has their greats.
I am an avid Lifetime movie watcher,I prefer to watch true stories.
Like I said I love lifetime,I guess that makes me a true woman.
I really don't read much.I work 2 jobs and that takes up all my time,Pluse I have a 31 year old son and a 15 year old daughter.I also have a 11 year old grandaughter so I am usually always busy.
My hero is the Lord Jesus Christ,He dies for us,How many of you would do the same.