timothy james packhem
april 11, 1990-march 13, 2007
hi. meet my best friend in the whole entire world. his name is tim but i like to call him timbo just because hes cute like that. if you never had the opportunity to meet tim i feel terribly sorry for you. timbo was the greatest person in the whole entire world...(for those of you who dont already no that). i could talk to him about anything...anything at all. he made me laugh every single day...he would make me laugh so hard the my stomach would ache and tears would pour out of my eyes. even though tim was all about making people laugh...he still had a serious side to him. i could talk to him for hours about anything and he would just sit there and listen to me. if i was sad, timbo was always the first person that i would call. sadly timbo has passed away but even though he is gone he will forever live on through me. he will never be forgotten by me or anyone that was close to him. i love him and miss him more than anyone will ever no.