Hoge Day profile picture

Hoge Day

About Me

First there was the wandering, days became nights whose dark nectar bled into the hot ground to reveal day again. Over and over he went to the well, the dark place. He was smeared with ash, smeared with paint, burned with sharp pointy burning sticks... When he awoke he heard the soft chanting, felt cool water on his skin, and a soothing lotion with vitamin E derived entirely from Aloe Vera and other botanicals. There were snacks, and juice, and after awhile, though it hardly seemed possible because so much had happened, so much had changed, they came to pick him up.Mostly it's been painting, but then, sometimes, in between but almost never at the same time it's been playing the geetar. And lo, there was singing.Hoge Day is deeply indebted both musically and personally to Mark Taylor, his longtime collaborator and friend. The Stellas are Taylor's current musical project, and they can be found at www.thestellasrock.com To see more artwork by Hoge Day, click on the "band website" link above, (and a little to the left).

My Interests


Member Since: 01/04/2007
Band Website: www.hogeday.com
Type of Label: Major

My Blog

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