doLLHoUse pRoducTions profile picture

doLLHoUse pRoducTions

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

ABOUT DOLLHOUSE PRODUCTIONS.............................................. **"iT'S ALL abouT tha LoVe, baby!"** & YeS, that includes bLasTing stereotypes, opening the MiND, seeKing TruTH & having the CouRage to CONFOUND EXPeCTaTiONs & CONFRONT dECEPTions.... EmPOWeRmenT wiThin gives us the strength to FiGHT ~ if necessary ~ for the right to help make the world a beTTeR PLaCe, even if it makes us uNPoPuLaR! inSiST on FaiRNess + TRuTH ****COMPLACENCY SUCKS!**** 'FaSHioN' for its own sake bores me ~ but as a window to UnderSTanding & a means of communication, creativity & self-expression: the PoSSiBiLiTies are inFiniTe....

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

I'D LIKE TO MEET........................................................ .................. DEF helps if you have an open mind - aNd/oR a BiG HeART!.... i.E. ACTiViSTs, ARTiSTs, ENViRonMeNTaLiSTs, MuSiCiaNs, PoETs, WRiTeRs... I especially inviTe those who balk against society's constraints, rules & traditions - those who take LESS-TRAVELLED RoaDS - who dare to flick away false fears & ignore intimidation to gain a greater voice & moRe CHoiCE!... *i'm hUGeLy iNFLUeNcEd By HuMaNiTaRiAn iSSUeS + the TeRRiBLe TRaGeDy oF aNiMaL aBuSe wORLdWiDE (i find just KNOWiNG ThaT animal abuse/murder eXiSTs to be unbearably ToRTuouS = as gut-wrenchingly repellant as homophobic/racist/sexist activities & beliefs.... if not MORE so, for animals' blamelessness, powerlessness & voicelessness) = CoMMuNiCaTiNg THaT iN a PoSiTive wAy, cuz i cOuLdN’t STomAcH wHaT P.E.T.A. dOeS BUT sOOO aDmiRe THeiR iNcReDiBLe WoRk – ThRu AcTiON as WeLL aS with WORdS.... XoxOXo *thAnX tO's sKiLLz!*

My Blog

OH and ~ NO FUR (ever)...

"The time will come when men such as I will look upon the murder of animals as they now look upon the murder of men." - Leonardo Da Vinci"Nothing will benefit human health and increase chances for sur...
Posted by on Mon, 04 Feb 2008 12:36:00 GMT

THiS is devastatingly hUGE:

... I may have been a dRAMa QUeen @ one time but! That Was Then + what i'm about to share with you hAS THe POWer to bLOW your MiND (+ QUITE possibly save our mAMA eARTH - or at lea...
Posted by on Tue, 20 Nov 2007 00:43:00 GMT

THAnK yOU, sweet friends...

... for all your kind words at the passing of our beloved Robert C:  what an outpouring of affection for him, that continues to manifest from near and far - at times overwhelm...
Posted by on Tue, 20 Nov 2007 00:30:00 GMT

dH stylist Sarah C...

Creator of cool kits & killer catwalk concepts, Sarah Chesterman formed DollHouse Productions in early 2000 as a fitting focal-point for her expanding circle of...
Posted by on Tue, 22 May 2007 20:20:00 GMT

a MuSiC LoVeR's dReaM...

CONDUCTORS IN CONVERSATION:  THE COMPLETE COLLECTION by Robert ChestermanInterviews with Claudio ABBADO, Ernest ANSERMET, Leonard BERNSTEIN, Sir Adrian BOULT, Carlo Maria GIULINI, Otto KLEMPERER, Rafa...
Posted by on Wed, 21 Mar 2007 12:48:00 GMT