Chaotic creativity profile picture

Chaotic creativity

I do not want to die... until I have faithfully made the most of my talent and cultivated the seed t

About Me

.. width="425" height="350" ....I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4 Im a down to earth guy who loves music writing and creativity. I am a strong believer in finding self truth through experiences and not sitting in some buliding listening to some moron tell you that you should throw your freewill away and conform to there belief system or your gonna suffer eternally. I am however a freemason and love it because it embodies true brotherhood and moral lessons through experiencing life instead of shunning it out of fear of not being able to control oneself. I do believe in god and the devil though my ideas differ from that of modern religion. I am blessed to with the freinds and family that I have and am also glad to get to know new freinds as well. I am very open minded as long has beliefs or opinions arent being shoved down my throat. I love the horror genre in books and movies and also music. I love my guitar and i love my freinds and I love my family. I also love honesty and knowledge and trust,being few and hard to find these days,I also love people who can approach things with a "childlike" mentality in that they are willing to learn,as i do myself.

My Interests

.. width="425" height="350" ...... width="425" height="350" ....mY LITTLE FRENCH HORROR QUEEN;) Writing,Guitar,God,TheDevil,Freemasonry, Love, Strangers,Reading,Music, The dark, Insanity,genius, psychology,supernatural,The unknown,.....

I'd like to meet:

type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"....I like meeting all types of people! Especially those with a passion in life for creativity. I am not gonna add ya if U have a fake just not right(im a hypocrite i know).....I love people who enjoy life,who respect that trust and honesty do exist in this god forsaken world and those who dare talk of things on there mind that if spoken to loudly will get your ass taken to court(like..I dunnooooo....Impeach bush,worry about our country and bring our guys back fom the hell hole oil bank....hmmm..yeahhhhhhhh) People who like humor and horror and metal also....thats aboot it.Please walk from the shadows. I want to see your eyes. They shine of lost souls and compassion for life. I don't understand why do you cry? The tears of the beautiful dry like moisture on a winters day. Such happiness in her face and radiance in a smile. Although I cannot hear her voice she speaks with the tongue of an angel. Two souls dance in Novembers air depending on each others trus.t Silently turning in circles following the soft violins. Can I be so bold, as to ask for a kiss? All I dream is her, I've known her forever. Please take my hand now And I'll lead you to the light. Yet still confusion erupts. How can beauty as such weep in sorrow? Embrace me and I promise the pain will diminish.

My Friend Space
I have 473 friends.

dewie chewie goooooey love muffin honey buns

Bea...da sweden va..


my bestest freind;)

View All of My Friends


Music Video: UNTIL I FALL AWAY (by Gin Blossoms)

.. Music Video Code provided by Video Code Zone

.. width="425" height="350" ...... width="425" height="350" ...... width="425" height="350" ....I love death metal and i love everything from type o negative down to bob dylan and jeff buckley..some rap is ok and a few country songs but i def hate modern radio;)


I love horror :28 Days Later ** American Psycho *** Amityville Horror *** An American Haunting ** At Dawn They Sleep **** Bad Taste **** Bats * Bite Me! ***** Bless The Child ** BloodRayne ** Boogeyman *** Book of Shadows: Blair Witch 2 *** Brotherhood of the Wolf (Le Pacte des loups) ** Bubba Ho-Tep ** Buzz Saw *** Cabin Fever *** Camp Utopia *** Chopper Chicks in Zombietown *** Christine **** Constantine **** Cursed *** Dark Water * Darkness Falls *** Dawn of the Dead **** Dawn of the Dead (1978) ***** Day of the Dead **** Dead & Breakfast ***** Dead Alive ***** Delta Delta Die! *** Demon Sex ** Doom *** Dreamcatcher **** Eight Legged Freaks ** Evil Spawn *** Feeding the Masses **** Final Destination 3 **** Freddy vs. Jason **** High Tension **** Hollow Man **** Hostel **** House House2**** House of 1000 Corpses * House on Haunted Hill ** Inbred Redneck Alien Abduction **** Jason X *** Jaws 25th Anniversary Collectors Edition ***** Jeepers Creepers *** Jeepers Creepers 2 ** Lake Placid ** Land of the Dead **** Lost Souls *** Mindhunters *** Misty's Secret *** Mulva 2: Kill Teen Ape! *** Night Gallery Season One **** Night of the Living Dead *** Nochnoi Dozor (Night Watch) *** Open Water **** Razorteeth **** Redneck Zombies **** Resident Evil ** Resident Evil: Apocolypse ** Saw **** Saw 2 **** Scream 2 *** Scream 3 *** See No Evil ** Seed of Chucky ** Seven **** Silent Hill **** Sixteen Tongues *** Sleepy Hollow **** Slither *** Snakes on a Plane ***** Stay Alive * Stigmata ** Stir Of Echos *** Suburban Nightmare ***** Tales from the Crapper **** Teaching Mrs. Tingle * The Blair Witch Project ***** The Brothers Grimm *** The Descent **** The Exorcism of Emily Rose **** The Exorcist 25th Anniversary Special Edition **** The Fog ** The Gingerdead Man **** The Grudge *** The Haunting ** The Hills Have Eyes **** The Omen **** The Omen (2006) ** The Shining **** The Sixth Sense **** The Skeleton Key ** The Stink of Flesh ***** The Texas Chainsaw Massacre *** The Texas Chainsaw Masscre: The Beginning **** The Watcher *** The Witches of Breastwick *** They ** Underworld: Evolution **** Valentine *** Vamps 2: Blood Sisters ***** Vamps: Deadly Dreamgirls *** Wolf Creek *** Women's Prison Massacre **** Zombie Planet ** Zombies vs. Satan **but I also love psychologically influenced movies like Fight Club and Identity. I love mind openers like What the bleep do we know, and Syriana. I love romance because until recently,I believed it to be non-existant.asfunction:nt_connect,2


south park,the daily show,and..............amc channel .. width="425" height="350" ...... width="425" height="350" ...... width="425" height="350" ....


Everything from Edgar Allen poe, Oscar Wilde to Anne Rice and Dan Brown.


Anne Rice, Dan Brown,Dean Koonts,Stephen King, Jeff Loomis,Jason Becker,and hmmmmmm.......hopefully myself someday

My Blog

to be into

life nothing to breathe anylonger shallow grave descent of dark hearts a kiss to prove that light exists? i stare into the mirror no more for fear of truth behind swollen eyes broken hands and defeate...
Posted by I need my french HONEY ! on Fri, 02 Feb 2007 02:56:00 PST

until i found you

this feeling inside and one should hide the reason my restless soul i feel alive and with you girl i feel ill lose control it pains me cause i know that forever isnt here yet something i think you sho...
Posted by I need my french HONEY ! on Mon, 15 Jan 2007 01:31:00 PST

nightmare love

the beats of yesterday and the sound of the wind the time held closely has the lights begin to dim all the things never said all the waht ifs running through my head i knew i should of so why didnt i ...
Posted by I need my french HONEY ! on Thu, 11 Jan 2007 06:43:00 PST

what is love

Throughout the history of mankind, we as a world culture have made love out to be mysterious, complex, difficult, and undefinable. It's the subject of endless poems and literary works. There is an eno...
Posted by I need my french HONEY ! on Fri, 29 Dec 2006 12:29:00 PST

into it

Living a life of dishonourHoping in vain to touch happinessDay after day I've built a world of liesThe dreams were my aimThe stream in my veinsWhat is to live in a worldThat doesn't need you...And the...
Posted by I need my french HONEY ! on Fri, 24 Nov 2006 10:23:00 PST

some info aboot me

Your Sun Sign: Libra Sun 0° Libra 54' What's a sun sign? Element: Air Key Planet: Venus The Scales are the only zodiac symbol that's neither animal nor human -- but surely that doesn't m...
Posted by I need my french HONEY ! on Tue, 21 Nov 2006 06:19:00 PST

the memory

in ties i bind and in you i find my way to the other side my breath is held and in this cell i wait and bleed i need you to feel me again your naked flesh bound with mine in sin and in the night i try...
Posted by I need my french HONEY ! on Mon, 20 Nov 2006 10:10:00 PST

loves revenge

in this puddle of blood i sit and wait making my mind to decide your fate nothing else can be done now so dont go asking me why or how you know you wanted this has bad as i sitting there telling ...
Posted by I need my french HONEY ! on Sun, 19 Nov 2006 03:14:00 PST

to farah yiya and damiena nd my lil frenchie

type o negative show jan  21  ' of blues anahiem!!!!!.we haveeeee toooooo gooooooooooooo
Posted by I need my french HONEY ! on Wed, 15 Nov 2006 07:28:00 PST

what poet am i?

What Poet Are You? You are Walt Whitman Walt Whitman was born in Brooklyn and Long Island for most of his life. At an early age Whitman began the printers trade and fell in love with literature. Whit...
Posted by I need my french HONEY ! on Mon, 13 Nov 2006 10:46:00 PST