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I guess at times we think we have found what we are looking for and we hold on to the idea that what we have is all that we wished for and that our search is finally over. Then reality steps in and smacks the truth into our minds and floods our hearts with pain and confusion. I suppose to be fooled feels better than to be left but then again nothing feels as bad as being proved wrong. I will hold on to the wish of meeting that one someone who I don't have to describe because they will already know all the answers. Be honest.. be cool.. be for real.. be mine. Perhaps he will find me... until then I will continue on being me and someday that someone will be able to appreciate and feel lucky for that fact.
I really dont have a cut card here. I love everything, just depends on the mood but my ultimate fave is Rock. I am big on lyrics too though so there ya go..
I dig anything funny or horror.. Rob Zombie Flix rock my socks. Guts and gore rock haha. I love anything that will make me literally laugh outloud as well... gotta love Super Troopers and stuff like that you meow? haha.
Well usally my tv is just a noise maker but when I do pay attention to it I am usually watchin the CSI's, the Law n Orders, South Park, Family Guy, ATHF, anything that has to do with forensics like Cold Case files or crap like that, Brother's and Sisters, and That 70's Show. I have been known to have it on Sports Center or Comedy Central a lot too though so there ya go.
Bible of course!
My Momma... she is living proof of being able to prevail against all odds!