The Press Gang Pirates profile picture

The Press Gang Pirates

About Me

Pronunciation: 'pres-"ga[ng]
Function: noun
Etymology: 4press
: a detachment of men under command of an officer empowered to force men into military or naval service
- press-gang transitive verb
: to be press-ganged
"We will press-gang you into a life of piracy"
Synonyms: Shanghai, Kidnap, Draft, Abduct, Waylay, Snatch, Spirit, Impress, To make away with.
We are the Press Gang! We could be sighted at YOUR next event, birthday party, social function, office gathering or any reason you may have to hoist the Jolly Roger! What are you waiting for? Contact us and get Press-Ganged today! For those who are reading this but don't have a MySpace, please e-mail us at

The pictures are up from the Pirates 'N Plunder event on 5/20, check out the slide show in te blog! And a very big thank you to Sea Wolf, Marty, Lee and all others who participated and help get this event off the ground!
So POTC3AWE is bloody AWESOME! Go see it and revel in it's amazingness! Pics up soon...
So this may be a little late (by Almost a month) but the lead Johnny Depp ( ) site on the web honored us by posting our link and a picture of our captain from the Pirates 'N Plunder event on May 20th. check it out HERE! about half way down the page.
Now I know the MySpace here has not been updated in quite a long time, but as you have no doubt noticed, we are currently working on making it upto date. First, since we can now upload uber-multiple pics, we will be doing so instead of trying to make photo blogs.

Want to let everyone on MySpace know you've been press-ganged? Once you've joined the crew, post one or more of these codes in your interests & personality section of your MySpace.


to see the last great piraty find, click here.

My Blog

05-20-07 Pirates 'N Plunder

We went to the charity signing at Pirates 'N Plunder, lots of fun, and lots of line! But all in all an amazing day and a great huge thanks to all the castmembers of the movie who showed up and stayed ...
Posted by on Sat, 26 May 2007 13:15:00 GMT

Pics of 5/03 at Boomerang's in Anaheim

On May 3rd the Press Gang attended the Pirates three At World's End kick off party for charity! The party raised money for the CHOC children's hospital and was a real who's who of pirates! We made som...
Posted by on Sat, 05 May 2007 15:53:00 GMT

Pics of 4/21 in San Bernardino with Sigma Chi!

Tonight, (4/21/07) Some of the crew attended a Sigma Chi party in San Bernardino, here are some of the pics we took, more to come later
Posted by on Sat, 05 May 2007 15:45:00 GMT

Pics of 4/14 at St. Catherine's

On 4/14/07 two of the Press Gang crew attended the St. Catherine's Catholic church scrapbooking event. So far, only one person has left us pics, but here they are! Many thanx to Shawnna of ww...
Posted by on Fri, 20 Apr 2007 14:43:00 GMT