cera, aiden, my family, music, philosophy, theology, travel, disc-golf, late nights, the mayan calendar, astrology, soccer, painting, poetry, deep and honest conversation, humor/laughter, biking, anything to push my body, mind and spirit to the limit, thoughtfulness, fellowship, channeling the energy all around us, and most importantly, love.
srilla prabhupada, james redfield, william blake, beethoven, st.thomas aquinas, my father's father, jrr tolkien, leonardo da vinci, kurt cobain, jim morrison, john lennon, david gilmour, mother theresa, emily dickinson, cs lewis, hunter s thompson, lao tzu, jesus of nazareth, the buddha, plato, carl jung, the wright brothers, albert einstein, robert jordan, bob marley, jimi hendrix, jimmy page, robert plant, bob dylan, you, god...
music is the catalyst for my earthly existance, someday it will be the gateway if i use it with due diligence. Below I've added links to a few of the music projects I've been working on more recently; highest is a link to 'Daylight Savings Account' (Adam, David, Jesse, and Adam) and higher is a link to 'Ghost of Rodeo' (Adam and Nate) and simply high is a link to 'Acouasm' (Adam, David, Nate, and Matt):..
The Big Lebowski, Fahrenheit 911, Forrest Gump, Lord of the Rings, Fear and Loathing In Las Vegas~
George Orwell, Robert Jordan, W.B. Yeats, Lao Tsu, James Redfield, Terry Goodkind, J.R.R. Tolkien, William Blake~