"der Grund, den wir leben, soll den Grund kennen wir leben"--MÃock.LA, CADallasAtlantaTuscon.Guess...Veiw from the 31st floor. (I found this rare one).Where I am most of the time...
Keine. Ich bin allein. AIM-gulaglife. A non-American. Ich bin asexual.I'd like to meet the owner of this car.JDJDGlen doing a kegstand.Tony doing a kegstand.Don't look at me, those aren't my shoes.Love is murder.These kids look interesting. I need more pictures on my website.I guess I'd like to meet those two too.Leah (my sister).Leah.My sister.Lisa and I.Lisa again.I take normal girls from the streets and turn them into bathtub junkies.My roommate Lisa, and our friend Manual.Lisa and Nikki.Old school friend Sherri. Rep the 4-1-3. She wears a pentagram on her chest. I wear a cross on my chest. We ironically have much in common...funny, yeah?Lisa drew this of me when I was sleeping.Lisa drew another one of me because she didn't like the last one. FYI: both took about 5 min. She's good.Lisa drew this in like 5 minutes too. It's a drawing of a photograph of her and Glen.The sister.Too many people! Megan and Paul.Here comes a family segment:Me and my sister Leah. She's the best.They get started young, eh? (little bro).The Indian mom holding up my painting.My twin brothers.We love each other.Since we are poor we have to share a bed, us siblings.Pre-show set up.There is one girl missing, but that was intentional.
MSI. Franangelico (add them).
Ich hasse diese Frage.
Ich habe das Kabel getrennt.Enough said.
Bücher mit guten Abdeckungen und der Bibel.
Armin Meiwes.Eat me....someone took a byte out of crime.