Bonck profile picture


Whatsa matter Graverobber? Can't get it up if the girl's still breathing?

About Me

"Before the day had advanced drunkenmasqueraders were numerous and made themselvesrepugnant to people who lined the banquettes toview the parade of Rex. [...] there was a degreeof immodesty exhibited by nearly all the femalemasqueraders seen on the streets. It seemed thatnearly every woman in town who has a nice shapeor uniformly nice limbs was out displaying herattractive qualities, and in many cases theirconduct was disgraceful. The particular casewhich suggested this article and the cartoon[...was] at the corner of Canal and Bourbonstreets [...] the crowd of women [...] camerushing up to the above corner regardless of thepleasure or convenience of others and pushingright and left made a general disturbance. Whenremonstrated by the police they only becamefurious and elevated their voices to such a tonethat they were placed under arrest. At thisjuncture the scene became disgusting. The womenrolled around on the banquette with clothesuplifted and scratching and biting the officers.Finally the beligerant females were overpoweredand waltzed to jail." -- "The Mascot" newspaper,9 March, 1888

My Blog

Brain vomit from 12/1/07

..> I wrote this on Saturday morning. I just wanted to put it somewhere. Everything happens for a reason, right? I can't paint or draw so this will have to be my canvas.I've been thinking a lot about ...
Posted by on Wed, 05 Dec 2007 16:55:00 GMT

More from my offshore diary

fucking coffee. Hate the shit, but love the smell. hate coffee breath. one guy here, he fucking sweats coffee breath. he goes out and works on the deck, as soon as he comes in, whole fucking room reek...
Posted by on Tue, 21 Aug 2007 20:13:00 GMT

Something else I wrote while I was offshore

Sometimes i think about taking up smoking. Some part in the back of my brain thinks it's a social idea---a social tool if you will. Comaraderie between smokers and all...but more often than not, i see...
Posted by on Mon, 20 Aug 2007 19:12:00 GMT

My lurve. An exerpt from my offshore insanity.

I can't wait. To embrace you with my eyes. To spend quality time.There's a certain aspect of me that will always belong to you. There's a part of my brain that believes that your sole purpose is to ...
Posted by on Mon, 20 Aug 2007 16:57:00 GMT

July 4th week/weekend

This past week was all about moving to Mid-City and learning about my new life and habits here.The whole weekend has revolved around Miller High Life, Dance Dance Revolution, and singing goofy ass son...
Posted by on Sun, 08 Jul 2007 18:45:00 GMT


I BE MOVING. Holy crap, here I come Mid-City.
Posted by on Fri, 22 Jun 2007 17:10:00 GMT

100 Questions (well, really 99 cuz one's missing)

100 things about me.Current mood:  sleepy 1. Do you sleep with your wardrobe doors open or closedI don't have a wardrobe, but I do have a closet and an armoire (or however that thing is spelled)....
Posted by on Mon, 06 Nov 2006 11:12:00 GMT

A Conversation

Me: Cuong, do you think our neighbors think we're gay for each other?Cuong: Nah. They know we're in two different bedrooms, really far away from each other. Why?Me: I just thought the neighbors might ...
Posted by on Thu, 26 Oct 2006 12:05:00 GMT

I don't write these...BUT! I GOTTA SHARE THIS

Last Night's Dose Of AWESOMELast night, Jane and I stopped at Tiki's for a drink. Justin put on a movie that I'm going to have to track down and watch the whole thing. It was so disturbing, but I HAD ...
Posted by on Thu, 13 Jul 2006 06:37:00 GMT