League badminton, County Running, Tennis, Driving with iPod on max (apologies), Table tennis, Marathon Running, Kickboxing, Karate, Body Pump, Gym, Quake, Wrestling, Clubbing, Nintendo, Beach, UFC, also those Pygmy goat creatures are kind cool
Robert Winston (the scientist that does funny tests on TV), Sarah Michelle Gellar (maybe she cud show me one or two moves..... from Buffy) and many Wrestlers/Divas
Rock/Dance/Metal 10cc, Belinda Carlisle, Bon Jovi, Bryan Adams, Coldplay, Dire Straits, Energy 52, Madonna, Metalingus, Mika, MotorHead, Phil Collins, Red Hot Chilis, R.E.M, Robbie Williams, Savage Garden, Uniting Nations, Veracocha
Street Fighter Anime, Gladiator, Ghost, Titanic, Karate Kid 1-3, Rocky 1-5, AI, Equilibrium, Sin City, Spiderman 1-3
AliG/Borat, Extras, Lee Evans, Little Britain, Rock Profile, The Office, Trigger Happy, World Shut Your Mouth. WWE, TNA, Coronation Street, Apprentice & Dragons Den
erm....... Signs of Zodiac, John McEnroe bio, Secrets of the face, Kurt Angle bio
All Good Hearted people & those that fight for our country that seem to receive little praise .................. 1. Cats that my have a future in pop music.... 2. Einstein the Parrot