Welcome. I am Mister Hazelwood....but please call me Joseph. You might know me from former projects, but I find it decidedly unpleasant this business of digging up corpses. I only know how to move forward, toward the light. Having been locked-up in my East Nashville home for the winter, I am beginning to emerge like so many spring flowers with their creative roots yet in the world of the un-seen. This introspective period has yielded a new repertoire of original music of which I am very proud. Inspired largely by images in 19th Century literature and philosophy, my music is something I want to call 'Transcendental Folk' in the tradition of Ralph Waldo Emerson and Henry David Thoreau. These men were the figureheads of a literary movement known as 'Transcendentalism' which held among it's primary doctrines that personal intuition is the most reliable source of absolute truth. Webster's Dictionary defines the word 'Transcendental' as "Supernatural or Abstract". I'll go along with that. And as for my use of the word 'Folk', I mean this to imply that I have also been inspired a great deal by early American folk music, or 'music by and for the common people'. However, instead of mimicking the music of the past I try to expand upon it, borrowing only its emotion, mystery, and other venerable qualities.I have posted some rough recordings here, but they are likely to change a great deal throughout the production process. I will try my best to document my progress in the form of more rough recordings, photos, and etcetera. I sincerely hope you will join me in these earliest stages of experimentation. Your encouragement and support will not go un-noticed!Mr. J.S. Hazelwood