Member Since: 01/04/2007
Band Members: ::locals::
acres of sedge
the embarassments
the flashcats
greatest ape
kev hamilton
korgsican brothers
letter 10
the lever pulled
the mountains and the trees
savage cabbage
starred opposite
the waterford project
::friends here and gone::
the 3tards
a boy named tragedy
amelia curran
ba johnson
blair harvey
brian byrne
the bratt attack
cap'n kops
clothes that make the man
the coastguard
coco love alcorn
the constantines
david picco band
dearly beloved
defect defect
don brownrigg
erika werry
ghost house
hey rosetta!
hunter eves
joel and the last of the neighbours
justin mahoney
the kent boys
the kettle black
love hijaker
matt spence
megan hamilton
mercy, the sexton
neil conway
the nordic beat
the novaks
the origin of the sound
Patrick Canning
petunia and the loons
random order
so says jane
trailer camp
wax mannequin
Influences: ::musicians and scene builders::
especially the lovely neil targett
and his site corner brook music
::the internet::
buy a latte and get some web for free
brewed awakening
thistledown internet cafe
check out
Record Label: ::