Likes: Francesco, family, friends, Elvis (my cat), sweets, clubbing, the smoke ban, laughing, finding money, hot chocolate, relaxing, going on holiday, finding new good music, getting my way, going for walks, watching movies, sleeping, ice cream, going to gigs, good food, nutella, snowboarding, the silence when you turn off the kitchen fan, decorating, pay day, planting flowers, going to the beach, nice surprises, salty liquorice, massage, freebies, popcorn, buying new things for the house, taking pictures, making cakes, amusement parks, brown fishes...
Dislikes: ignorance, London public transport system, people who lie, being ill, Selfridges, guys with long hair, fights, being woken up by annoying things, saying goodbye when you know you won't see that person again for a long time, dust, buying presents just for the sake of buying presents and not because you really want to buy, cold rain, going to weird social events with people i don't really know, waiting, the voice in the M&S ads, cellery, losing things, Oxford Street, things that don't work as they should, meat, insects, thick people, being stressed, throwing up, the smell of greasy or disgusting food, afternoon TV, public toilets, cigarettes, drunk people...