Hi am Alex if you didnt already know. Dont add me if ya dont know me. Just because you have hundreds of friends doesnt mean you actually know them. If you really want to know me you should try just asking. its way easer than asking other people cause they probaly dont know. If you know my favorite movie that great... your one of four. if you think you know my favorite song you wrong because i dont have one. Pretty much my life is kinda boring. I eat, sleep little and go to school. I play clarinet and bass guitar and if you want to start a band just ask me cause im wanting to do so myself. I guess im pretty good at clarinet because ive been playing for 6 years. I like the Beatles, blink 182 and Brand New. Those would have to be my favorite bands. I lisen to Heavy Metal and though it may not seam that way i really like it. The only country ill listen to is johnny cash and im not a big fan or rap. If you want to listen to some real good music, not some radio crap ask for a cd and ill burn you one. Im not a big fan of school but i think its good to get a good education. I get good marks but believe me i try hard! I usualy dont finish a biology project till hours before its due but i do good usually. Dont befriend me because im smart or just funny because there is way more to me than that and its sad if you cant see that. I absolutly love building computers and my brother and I build them on weekends. Im a gamer and let me tell you i put all my own money into my own computer to get it the way it is. When you want to talk computers with me dont just make stuff up cause i dont think you'll impress me.I play some sports like soccer and swim. Swim is one of the hardest things ive done and i love it! I swim for arcadia and i think you would like it.I think things out and am not impulsive. I think that if i had to sit with any one person for a long time it would have to be my friend Carl. We never stop laughing when we hang together. I love to laugh and find people getting hurt extremly funny. I have a sweet evil laugh and no one can beat it. I hiked the grand canyon 2 nights 3 days and 23 miles. it was hard but i like to hike and camp. I think it really sux how the desert doesnt have snow cause its so damn hot. Winter would have to be my favorite season and i like rainy days. If you have any problems i will listen to them because ive been through a lot and might be able to help. I have two pugs that kinda sleep all day and sneeze on lin-z.haha. From reading this i hope you actually get the fact that im not your ordinary person and you dont have to impress me to be my friend. believe me there are way cooler people than you and im not hanging with them for a reason if im with you.
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