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I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

I like clubbing,bars,gay bars,hanging out with friends,bdsm.I like fruity drinks.My favorite color is blue,red lipstick.My favorite animal is a tiger cub.
Supernatural Survey
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Do you believe in ghosts? yeah
Have you ever seen a ghost? yeah
Would you be scared if you saw a ghost? maybe it depends
Who would you least like to see come back as a ghost?
Who would you most like to see come back as a ghost?
Do you think psychics are real? Yeah Im Psychic
Which dead person would you like to talk to most?
Have you ever had your fortune told? I have a couple of times
Would you ever visit a palm reader? yeah
Do you read your horoscope? sometimes
Has your horoscope ever come true? yeah once
Do you have a good luck charm? no
Do you think we have powers in our brains we havn't unlocked yet? yeah
Which brain power would you most like to have unlocked? Telekinesis
Do you think there are aliens out there? yeah
Have you ever been abducted by aliens? no
Which famous person do you think is most likely to be an alien?
Do you think crop circles are real? some
Do you think aliens will be peaceful for will they attack us? Depends what kind
What color are aliens most likely to be? brown
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The Official Fill-in-the-Blank Biography
Chapt. 1: The Basics
Initials: V.J.G
Middle Name: Justine
Nickname: none
Sex: F
Date of Birth: 8/16/85
Star Sign: Leo
Place of Birth: Los Angeles
Current Location: Colton
Height: 5'6
Weight: 126
Hair Length: medium
Hair Colour: Dark Brown with light brown highlights
Eye Colour: Dark Brown
Skin Tone (Light, Medium, Dark): Olive
Piercings: none
Tattoos: none
Scars and Birthmarks:
Chapt. 2: The Background
Mother's Name: Olivia
Mother's Occupation: In the police department
Mother's Hometown:
Father's Name: Hes not in my life
Father's Occupation:
Father's Hometown:
Do you live with your parents?: my mom
Do you get along with your parents?: I am more now
Are your parents married/separated/divorced?: seperated
Do you have any siblings? If yes, do you get along?: two little brothers Evan and Alex.We get along ok
What pets do you have?: Fish and two hampsters
Did you grow up in a different place than where you live now?: yeah.I grew up in Temple City
Where did you spend your summers as a child?: daycare
What was the name of your elementary school?: Killian,Some school in Covina,La Rosa and some other school
Who were your best friends in elementary school?: Some girl forgot her name and Grace
Who was your favorite teacher in elementary school?: I forgot there names
What was your best memory from elementary school?: When we had a graduating party
What was your worst memory from elementary school?: I dont know know if you meen an excact memory but Feeling alwyas like an outcast.Except when I was in 6th grade
What was the name of your junior high school?: Oak Ave
Who were your best friends in junior high school?: Vanessa,Shayna
Who was your favorite teacher in junior high school?:
What was your best memory from junior high school?: Seeing my bestfriend Shayna
What was your worst memory from junior high school?: I used to have Social Anxiety in 7th grade
What was the name of your high school?: First I went to Continuation in Temple City,Temple City High School,Then Alternative school
Who were your best friends in high school?: Shayna and another Vanessa,Griffin
Who was your favorite teacher in high school?: Dont remeber
What was your best memory from high school?: One is seeing my bestfriend Griffin
What was your worst memory from high school?: Having Obssessive thoughts
Out of elementary, junior high or high school which did you like best?: High School
Did you ever go to the same school as your siblings?: yeah La Rosa
Did you ever go to the same school as your parents?: no
What is your family's cultural heritage?: Latina,a little bit Irish and a tinybit German
Chapt. 3: The Favourites
City: San Bernardino
Vacation Spot: London
Sport: none
Dessert: Ice Cream
Drink (Non-Alcoholic): Dr.Pepper
Drink (Alcoholic): Zombies
Place to Eat: something Big Boy
Ice Cream Flavour:
Season: Spring
Holiday: Christmas
Clothing Brand: Diesel
Make-Up Brand: Neutrogena
Shampoo and Conditioner:
Actor: Orlando Bloom
Actress: Angelina Jolie
Athletic Team:
Decade: 70s
Old Nickolodeon Show: Whos afraid of the Dark?
Number: 7
Colour: Blue
Cheesy Pick-Up Line:
Language: German
Country: Europe
Flower: Violet
Girl's Name: Savannah
Boy's Name: Sebastian
Chapt. 4: This or That?
Lefty/Righty: Righty
Rock/Country: Rock
Diamonds/Pearls: Diamonds
Blondes/Brunettes: Brunettes
New York/Montana: New York.New York YaY
USA/Canada: USA
Gold/Silver: Silver
Hummer Limo/Stretch: Stretch
Gatorade/Powerade: Powerade
Diet Coke/Regular: Regular
Chicken Fingers/Chicken Nuggets: Chicken Fingers
McDonalds/Burger King: Burger King
Subway/Taco Bell: Subway
Gravol/Peptil Bismol: Pepti Bismol
Plane/Train: Plane
Skiing/Snowboarding: Snowboarding
Cliff Diving/Shark Diving: none
East Coast/West Coast:
Marissa Cooper/Summer Roberts: Summer Roberts
George Bush/John Kerry:
Britney Spears/Christina Aguilera: Christina Aguilera
Charlotte York/Samantha Jones:
Lindsay Lohan/Hilary Duff: Lindsey Lohan
The O.C./Laguna Beach:
The Flinstones/The Jetsons: The Flinstones
Full House/Fresh Prince of Bel-Air: Fresh Prince of Bel -Air
Growing Pains/Boy Meets World: Boy Meets World
The Brady Bunch/The Partridge Family:
Peanut Butter/Jelly: neither
Creamy/Crunchy: Crunchy
Red Rover/Capture the Flag: none
Mother May I/Simon Says: neither
Lake/Pool: Pool
Snow Day/Spring Day: Snow Day
Chihuahua/Bernese Mountain Dog:
London/Paris: London
Shower/Bath: Shower.But a bath does sound inticing rightnow
Love/Money: Love
Peanuts/Crackerjacks: Peanuts
Fruity Pebbles/Cocoa Puffs: none
Target/Wal-mart: Target
AIM/MSN Messenger:
Manolo Blahnik/Birkenstock:
Coco Chanel/Louis Vuitton:
Janice Dickinson/Twiggy Lawson:
City Mouse/Country Mouse:
Winter Olympics/Summer Olympics: Winter Olympics
Pink Wristband/Yellow Wristband: What?Pink I think
Summer Wheatly/Pedro Sanchez:
Chapt. 5: Do You...
Sing in the shower?: no
Write memos on your hand?: no
Call people back?: if I dont forgot
Have your driver's liscense?: no,cant drive.Not that I cant drive I just cant drive
Believe in a thing called love?: yeah
Knock on wood?: used to
Sleep on a certain side of the bed?: no
Speak another language?: a little Spanish
Have citizenship to more than one country?: no
Think you're attractive?: yeah
Wear glasses or contact lenses?: no
Have any weird pet peeves?: no
Have any weird hobbies?: no
Like your life so far?: its ok
Chapt. 6: Have You Ever...
Gone skinny dipping?: no
Worn braces?: no
Smoked a cigarette?: yeah few times I have
Smoked a cigar?: no
Smoked anything else?: yeah
Broken a bone?: no
Had stitches?: on arm and head
Kissed a member of the same sex?: yeah
Shoplifted?: yeah
Punched someone in the face?: no
Skipped school?: yeah
Flown first class?: no
Traveled to another continent?: nope
Used racial slurs?: yeah
Taken pain killers?: yes
Taken sleeping pills?: yes
Rode in a limousine?: no
Gone SCUBA diving?: no but want to
Been stung by a jellyfish?: no
Been stung by a bee?: nah
Thrown up in a restaurant?: no
Made a snow angel?: yeah when I was 12 fun
Been to overnight camp?: yes.I dont like the showers there.But I still take one of course
Written a letter to Santa Claus?: yeah
Sworn in front of your parents?: In front of my mom
Had detention?: yeah In 8th grade
Been sent to the principal's office?: no
Screamed: yes duh
Made a prank phone call?: yeah
Been to the opposite end of the country?: no,but whouldnt mind
Been called a bitch?: no
Been called a whore?: Been by my gay bestfriend but he was just joking of course
Been called a prude?: No but something like that.Just because I wasent attracted to him
Met someone famous?: yes
Slept naked?: yeah
Gone streaking?: Forgot what that was
Play ding-dong-ditch?: no
Climbed a tree?: yeah
Been kissed under a mistel toe?: no
Had a threesome?: yes
Chapt. 7: Pick Your Perfect...
Pizza: Ham and Pinnaple
Sundae: With Hot Fudge
Chapt. 9: Random
If you could take back one thing from your childhood, what would it be?: Nothing
Would you rather win an Oscar or Nobel Prize?: Nobel Prize.Its more rewarding
What time do you get up in the morning?: 2 pm
What time do you go to sleep?: 3:30am-7:00am
If you could bring 5 items with you to a desert island, what would they be?: 1 picture of my bestfriends,pencil,paper,alchol
Do you prefer blonde hair or brown hair on the opposite sex?: Brown
What's one thing you've always wanted to do, but haven't done yet?: Go to a rave
If you were on death row, what would you request for your final meal?:
If you could travel anywhere in the world, which location would you pick?: London
Name 5 people in history who you'd like to invite to a dinner party?: Mother Teresa
Poof! It's a genie! What are your 3 wishes?: wealth,to be rich
If you could be anything/one you want, who/what would you be?: Alyssa Milano
If you were a Super Hero, what would your power be?: Invisible
If the world floods and you can only save 1 animal species, you'll save...:
What are the last 4 digits of your cell phone number?:
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I believe that everything happens for a reason. Double Rainbows
Posted by on Fri, 04 May 2007 01:17:00 GMT


It doesnt matter what you think its whats in  your heart.
Posted by on Fri, 04 May 2007 00:06:00 GMT

Through the good and bad days I will be there for you

Where in this together forever
Posted by on Thu, 03 May 2007 07:38:00 GMT


Hmmmmmm...Thats all I got to say
Posted by on Mon, 30 Apr 2007 17:50:00 GMT


I had so much fun at Skandal yesterday!I missed that place.Got to see people I havent seen in a long time.
Posted by on Sun, 29 Apr 2007 18:31:00 GMT


My mind is boggled =(.
Posted by on Mon, 23 Apr 2007 15:26:00 GMT

Just Yeah

Fuck Everything
Posted by on Tue, 20 Feb 2007 21:29:00 GMT


You repair the damage done to me
Posted by on Fri, 02 Feb 2007 15:50:00 GMT

Its ok I think

I hope Im doing the right thing.
Posted by on Mon, 20 Nov 2006 21:57:00 GMT


Yesterday I went to Club Tech Noir.It was so much fun.Dancing.Chatting with people. 
Posted by on Thu, 12 Oct 2006 15:59:00 GMT