kate! profile picture


I'm Saucy!

About Me

I'm a huge Stars fan! But there is more to me than just that. I am upbeat, happy, and ambitious. I'm a people person and can connect with people of all ages from all walks of life. I love to tell stories and will talk for hours if you let me. I'm a "girly-girl" who can still "hang with the boys". I am young-at-heart and have a tendancy to lie about my age sometimes. However, I am still mature, professional, and responsible. I am passionate about my life and my future. I like to be carefree and enjoy life, yet I have solid goals that I fully intend on achieving. I am confident in my character, yet I am constantly trying to better myself in order to live a more fulfilling life.

My Interests

LIFE, dance, choreography, hockey, skating, The Dallas Stars, music, movies, family, friends, riding my motorcycle, spoiling my nephew, making new memories, taking fabulous pictures, vacationing with my friends and visiting my family in California.

I'd like to meet:


I have a BROAD range of musical interests from classic rock to metal, pop to hip hop and ALMOST everything in between. I'll fall asleep to love songs, wake up to rock n' roll, head to work with pop, and unwind with some indie... and that was just today...


I love movies... tonz and tonz of movies... But if it's scary, I need a strong arm to hold onto and a blanket to put over my head. And if it's REALLY scary... a Xanax.


I currently depend on TiVo to watch Grey's Anatomy. I'm anxiously awaiting the return of So You Think You Can Dance - which is pretty much the greatest show EVER.


I love Nicholas Sparks, of course, and bawl my eyes out whenever I read his novels. I like to read the sports page over breakfast in the morning if I get the chance.


God. My sister. My mom. And Marty Turco.

My Blog

Sports Illustrated

WOW!  Check this article out.(from SI.com)Alan Muir's  5 Most Eye Catching Ice Girls Squads1. Dallas Stars2.  Philadelphia Flyers3. Tampa Bay  LIghtening4.  New York Islanders...
Posted by Kate on Mon, 05 Dec 2005 04:28:00 PST