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About Me

I am a Swedish tattoowhateverUwannacallit.... I opened my studio wicked tattoo in the golden year 2000! I love to work in different styles, and to mix styles with no respect what so ever! Not that I am a pioneer in any way, I just don..t like to have restrictions..... I like to work with realistic motives sometimes, cause it puts me on the edge and I find it pretty challenging, but it is not my defenite style of drawing! I often draw with bold lines and I am a little bit comicbook-inspired I think...( when it comes to art I think there are so many great artists and styles, now and then, that it is impossible to find just one way... Some of my favorites are Mucha, Rembrandt, dali, Doré , Norman Rockwell, Michael hussar, BROM, Robert Hernandez, and many, many moore....) But as I said, I like to work with in almost every style there is, except maybe the traditional styles, wich I..m not really good at! I love it sharp and exact..... Moore to come -Ciao Carl Löfqvist Wicked Tattoo Sweden.................................................. ............................................................ ............................................................ ....................................I am currently looking for a new artist for my shop! We are 3 guys working hard, but unfortunatly one of my coworkers will have to be moore with his family back home! So there is a spot available and lots of work and space in a nice atmosphere! What I am looking for is a genuine artist with the right attitude ( or lack of attitude) who loves tattoos and tattooing moore than freedome;) Styles can be different from mine, but ofcourse it would help me moore with someone who could help me cut down my waitinglist a bit... And I..m not looking for a flashtattooer...If You are interested, just send me a mail with some pics and info...-Carl

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The ultimate artist, the one that never has any doubts! And I..m not ironic;)

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Will be sitting at the Barcelona convention 3,4,5 October
Posted by on Tue, 09 Sep 2008 17:44:00 GMT