carlitos 8o5 profile picture

carlitos 8o5


About Me

some see to believe, I believe to seenot an individual, but an institutionstreet thugin' is over rated. Coorporate huslin' is my gamePortuguese by blood, American by birth, Mexicano by choiceeu sou perfeito desde que sei que não souLife is what happens wile You are busy planing something else

My Interests

Production, Produce, Producir, Produciendo, Productivo ( you get the picture)

I'd like to meet:

Nobody in particular, just you, and your cousins and friends and family and your dog and your dog's fleas PUT YOUR I'D LIKE TO MEET SECTION HERE! Changes may take up to 2 mins to show on your profileView All Friends | View Blog | Add Comment




Movies play a big part of my life so theres too many to mention.. Wanna go see one with me?


Same thing as movies... Wanna go watch a show?


Mi Mama y mi Papa! plain and simple