I love this man:Also:Music, photography, claymation, dancing, hiking, talking, laughing, bouncing on the bed, rolling in the hay, making lists, tearing paper, writing, watching movies, eating ice cream, cooking, learning new things, looking at things through colored glasses, painting, drawing, nuzzling my kitty, etymology, reading, animal behaviour, gardening, stretching boundries, riding my old Schwinn, thunderstorms, watching to see if the weather man is drunk on the evening news, leaving odd messages on your phone, antique shops, historical towns that survive solely on the basis of tourism, strange roadside attractions, travel, doing things in the dark, doing things backwards, saying things backwards, riding to the tops of tall buildings in elevators and looking out the windows, holding seeds, dreaming, thinking about my dreams, thinking about your dreams, chasing fireflies, looking for constellations, watching meteor showers, fantasizing, embroidery, sending snail mail, penpals, playing with kids, skating, crunching ice, experimenting, walking, riding trains, asking questions, poetry, and you.
Your Mom
I could list all the bands I dig, but there wouldn't be any point and my fingers would go numb before I'd be finished. If you want to know if we like the same kinds of music, chances are that we do. Chances are also good that I listen to some stuff that would make you vomit or want to stick pins in your ears.
My favorite songs are the ones people make up for me.
Are better than TV.
Are best eaten fresh.