proc·ess (1) : a natural phenomenon marked by gradual changes that lead toward a particular result.Every show we play, every song we make, every fan we gain, every life we affect is part part of our phenomenon. This is our process of growing as musicians, and individuals by taking past experiences, and lessons we have learned over the years and translating them into music that you not only can enjoy, but also relate to. We represent what we are, not what we want to be, and our music is the same way. You won't hear anything about bitches, guns, drugs, and money, but rather women, life, adversity, and struggle. If you want to hear that meaningless filler music you might be in the wrong place, otherwise sit back, relax and enjoy the rhyme as Noearth, Thes!s, Thawt, and Kontra take you into our lives and make you a part of our process......................THE PROCESS
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