SteelBorn:TABLEIST,AKA The WizZard of Menlo Park,AKA RAMA9 Born in San Jose Ca. 1975 a legend passes(VAUGHN BODE)and the Scratch is invented(GRANDWIZZARD THEODORE)I found my Religion HIP HOP around 1983/84'.Sometime in 1984 i became a member of the B-boy team J.R.C.(JAM ROCKERS CREW).Battling other crews at and around Oakridge Mall,(south San Jose)near Rainbow Records,where i bought(Fat Boys)and stole(Tommy Boy Greatest Beats)my first pieces of wax.My love for the Turntable was truely inspired by U.T.F.O.s MIX MASTER ICE,after hearing his buttery cuts i knew one day i would have a set of 1200s.Around 1987 my older brother and i had a Technic but it was not a 1200.,just something to play our small collection.In 1997 i started buying wax and the same time searching for 1200s.I finally got my 1200s set up in 1998..From this religious begining it was natural for me to stay true to HIP HOP by,1:Creating my own styles.and 2:Never biting... PEACE......SteelBorn.....A VERTABRAE IN THE BACKBONE OF HIP HOP