thank you God that we can see as birds and feel like humans what is the task of contemporary Art today, what is its most essential p-art, its shine in these so dark and vicious times? is it still time of PRESENTING, of endless story-TELLING, this connection that has made a network all over speaking space? ART does not need to be PRESENTED any more. its task is BEING & ACTING. I MUST CORRECT MY MAKE-UP. I'LL BE COOL AND CLAY-COLD. xena, l'ente urlante, il grido formante. il grido che nientifica il ni-ente, abbassa abissalmente. privata di tutto, anche della brama di patire, spogliata di ogni intendimento e di ogni interesse, lei è l'aborto derelitto che chiude il lume sopra il suo niente. il lume levante in luna calante. VENEZIA SALVA
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