marissa profile picture


my voice is my passport, verify me.

About Me

my favorite things to do are:laughing, eating untill it hurts, dancing untill it hurts, reading, whiskey, pinball, watching live music, singing off key, dreaming in color, not coughing, burritos, my dog rootbeer, bad movies that are really awesome, fires,swimming, beer, running, backpacking, gum, home made,kneedle craft, greeting cards, old photos, picking fruit and making jam and smearing it on homemade bread, pie, and my own space. i am honest. i will tell you if your pants are ugly.

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My Interests

painting red doors black.

I'd like to meet:

a centaur. or this fatso..


freedom rock! modest mouse, bob segar, elvis, fugazi,ugly cassanova, the postal service, guns'n'roses, madonna


dawn of the dead, secretary, moulin rouge, hellraiser 1-3, star wars 4-6, trekkies, l.a.story, pride and prejudice, the piano, the big lebowski, showgirls ,eternal sunshine of the spotless mind,punch drunk love, clash of the titans, the beastmaster, love actually,


i prefer richard hells solo stuff


lovely bones, she's come undone, pillars of the earth, harry potter,


Lt. commander barbara adams of the u.s.s artemis from the little rock division of the federation alliance