Rock Yer Socks Off
Kat katapulted herself into konsciousness with the help the katalystic forces of karthasis. Here she is now. 7,8 on the Richter scale.
Send me your track.. Kat Kat Tat
Rock Yer Socks Off
Member Since: 31/03/2007
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The True Tale of Kat Kat Tat from Planetkat
Kat was born on a planet far, far away. Learning how to travel at light speed at a very young age enabled her to bridge galaxies and connect worlds, her capacity to make the best out of any situation catapulted her into the right places at the right times. Surfacing on Planet Earth in cities like Berlin, Leicester, London, Munich, Dortmund, Bonn and Buenos Aires, she transmits positive vibes wherever she goes. Writing, documentary style photography and DJing moving body music have become her preliminary tools to spread the message of love, peace and unity. Kat, whose electric-eclectic, non-conformist mixture of microcrunchydeephousefunk breakselectronicvibesminimal clicktechnogroovesnbass body music transcend limits and expectations, loves to connect with like-minded beings from all around the universe -- by resonating happiness, and her emotional approach to spinning records with a strong focus on opening the people’s minds, bodies and souls to something new is something worth experiencing.
Being very fascinated by music from an early age onwards, Kat started to write about electronic music when she discovered the world of clubbing in 1997, working for different magazines around the world, amongst them Hype UK and Lotus L.A., until she finally settled in Germany’s Raveline Magazine’s editorial where she actively contributed to commenting and shaping the national electronic music scene for five years. Breaking out of the system in June 2004, she managed to jump onto a space shuttle to Planetkat while working freelance for mags and pages like IDJ, DJ Mag, and Beatportal, as well as various labels such as Great Stuff, AirDrop, Definition, FAT!, Tendenzen Freier Entfaltung and Glueckskind, growing her reputation as a precise observer of galactic tendencies whilst also growing an impressive vinyl collection.
In April 2005, with her move to Buenos Aires, she took an important step towards self-liberation, packing up nothing but the best tracks and her two beloved 1210 turntables (which she got married to in December 2005) to infiltrate the local scene in Latin America. After settling in, she got involved with the legendary club Cocoliche, and the local alternative culture mag Wicked Buenos Aires hired her to curate artists and write about underground electronic music. Apart from this, Kat runs a weekly intergalactic newsletter called Wicked Planet which compliments her outta space page, organizes an extremely unorganized arty party called and works as a artistic photographer, trash collector, and of course as a DJ. She hosted her own radio show WKD Frequencies on Salon Berlin’s Radio Berlin every Saturday in conjunction with WKD Magazine. Always on the edge, Kat built herself a reputation as being one cranky Kat, and the experiment to trash (the media) goes on...
Kat has played in countless underground locations in Buenos Aires, amongst them War Club, Pelopincho, Eleusis, Levitar, Casa Trash, Kim y Novak, Kim y Novak Ballroom, Niceto Lado B, Exchange, Meridion, Salon Berlin, Home, Panoramica, Fetish, and el Teatro, as well as holding a residency in Ciclo Mutante and Home and of course being the driving DJ force behind Trashmission. Always in favor of doing things the other way round, she started to DJ with an MC, the Poeta Inka, a Zizek vocalist hailing from Peru, trying unite the two distinctive worlds of minimal electronics with reggaeton and cumbia, she is the official noise DJ of the Buenos Aires based pop band Telexx, and produces trash songs with the amazing Emus and Dirty Room.
Bookings have taken her out of the capital, with gigs in Puerto Madryn, Rosario, Mendoza and a tour which took her Colombia where she headlined a massive rave in Bogota. At the end of 2009, she installed herself in her native Berlin. Djing in Tacheles, Rote Lampe, Club Nano and Transfer Bar, she managed to to reconnect neurons and frequencies with like-minded musians, DJs, and trashos. Playing with inspiring artists like Souffle Duo, DJ Udolf, Gunne, Franco Bianco, Chroma, Tommy Jacobs, Toomy Disco, Fuerzas de Londres, Leonel Castillo, Ca_pe, Dilo, Berger Muzik, Santos Resiak, Peter Panik, Cosmikat, May Mc Laren and other moving forces in the Argentinean scene, she has managed to carve her niche as being a cutting edge DJ, quickly incorporating new techniques of trashmitting energy and of course lotsa alien love!
It's suspected that Planetkat is situated somewhere in our solar system, really far out. It's a refuge for people striving for artistic freedom and a voice of expression. The content is based on an individual's personal journey - a universal pursuit of happiness. The search for depth and thoughtfulness is the driving force, and Planetkat's observations and reflections shared with others pull people from all around the universe into Planetkat's orbit, thus receiving a steadily growing stream of visitors. It's not surprising that the excitement about this little planet is growing daily - one day it will be an entire solar system as everyone is welcome so jump on and spin that stuff! Let's space out together if you fancy...
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Sounds Like: Hurricane Katrina, 7,8 on the Richter scale.
Record Label: AirDrop NYC
Type of Label: Indie