well my interests . weapons work , gaming , fishing and making the love of my life stephanies hard :)
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well me i'd like to meet a chocobo and a chim chim in real life . oh and a drunk that will actually be smart enough not to drive and realize that 3 beer is what every one says and you will still be going to jail
yellow card, bunch of country now and im very mad that 96.1 wkzq switched over to playing crappy music this is going to be a long list ....yeah so i couldnt get the damn profile pic to work so HAHA MYSPACE IM GONNA PUT IT HERE !
i still love monty python , but ive fallen for anime long live gundam wing endlass waltz
full metal alchemist still at the top , the .hack series hmmmm ahhh devil may cry ( yes its a tv show now ) hmmm Bleach is a must see ( hope bankai doesnt read this its my ass for not putting it on top ^_^) claymore rocks . on the real show side i enjoy Suv and Csi and im intrigued by the show cops even if it is to one sided
any thing by tom clancy , eragon , eldest , harry potter fan , and a bunch of different mangas like bleach naruto and hmm dunno
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fire men , search and rescue , some cops , military - the true heroes
oh and this lil guy ...
adopt your own virtual pet!The Sheperds Prayer
And shepards we shall be for thee
my lord for thee power hath desended forth from thy hand
thy feet will swiftly cary out thine command
so we shall flow a river forth to thee
and teaming with souls shall it ever be."
in nomeni patri et fili spirictus sancti"