REDSKINS!!, JMU DUKES, VA TECH HOKIES, Real Estate, Social, Surfing, Skateboarding, Lifting, Racquetball, Tennis, Basketball, Fishing, hanging around the beach and doing nothing, etc.
David Moya, Dali Lama, God, Denise Richards, Micheal Vick, that girl from "The Girl Next Door" movie, Al Pacino, Robert Deniro, Bill Clinton, and Interesting, intelligent, happy people like me. Always positive no matter what the situation. Life is too short to worry for more than a split second. Too few seconds to waste on that! Be yourself, be real, be cool.
Lucky Day, Coldplay, U2, Green Day, Keane, The Killers, Ben Harper, Jack Johnson, Marley, Citizen Cope, JT
Napoleon Dynamite, Starship Troopers, Saving Private Ryan, Dumb & Dumber, Friday, Fight Club
FOOTBALL, FOOTBALL, HOCKEY, FOOTBALL, World cup, Sopranos, Entorage, 24, Star Trek, Battlestar Gallactica, Simpsons, THe Office,
Anything self-help, textbooks, non-fiction, just serious boring stuff that helps me learn something new. I still have that sponge like toddler brain (and maturity to show for it)
MOM, Brother, Pop, My wife, Sisters, and my best friends