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- Sites may be submitted by creating a new thread in the PFA Fansite Submissions Guidelines Forum . Please include the topic/theme of your fansite as well as the url address.
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Check out the Project Fanboy Comic Book Glossary . Here you will find biographies on superheroes, villains, teams, and information on significant items in the comic book world.
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Anyone can contribute, so feel free to add your comic knowledge to the fastest growing comic book glossary on the net! Just click on Glossary Tools under the appropriate category and submit your glossary item for approval by the PF Staff. If you don't see a category that fits your needs, contact us and we'll be sure to add it.
Click here for the Comic Book Glossary!
Michael K. Easton Interview! - Project Fanboy
Read the interview here!
Everett Soares author of Sky Pirates Interview! - Project Fanboy
Read the interview here!
1st Annual Project Fanboy Awards!
Winners will be announced in January of 2009 and nominations in all categories are now being accepted. Nominations will cease in November, followed by two months of voting with the winners announced on the 1st of January, 2009.