I play a couple different sports, two in particular, soccer and basketball (not as much basketball as i used to). I also enjoy spending time with my family and friends. I am pretty close to my parents. My dad is a great fishing buddy and is always there for me when I need him. My mom is pretty laid back and fun to be around. (she also has some great advice) My friends are pretty unique too! They are pretty funny gals! I also enjoy traveling. So far I have been to Australia, Mexico, Canada and all across the U.S. I have also traveled to Europe (twice) and I went to Germany, Belgium, Denmark, Holland, Luxemburg, Czech Republic, Austria, and France. All very fun and exciting, I just love jumping on and off of trains with heavy suit cases!! FUN FUN....umm yeah, not so much. I am pretty open to trying new things and yeah I guess that’s the jist of it.
I enjoy meeting new people. For a friend I look for someone who I can be myself around. Someone I can just sit around with and not be bored. Whoever you are you have to be honest, I dont care for people who lie or cheat. Plus you've got to be able to make me laugh. I dont really care for the "know it alls" and the really opinionated people but other than that im game!
I like just about anything except one. Country, (one exception would be JOSH TUNER! Hot damn can he sing, and wow he is good looking!) I like a couple of songs here and there but I have to admit that is the most pathetic type of music on the radio. All they ever sing about is their pick-up truck, their dog or how their girl left them. Other than that I am ok with just about anything. I love the song "Scottie doesn't know" off of the Eurotrip sound track! I listen to mostly Techno and Rock. I think my favorite techno "band" is Uniting Nations. When it comes to rock I would have to say its a toss up between Crossfade, flyeaf and 3 Days Grace. But for the most part I’m pretty open.
Ok I need to tell everyone right now that Super Troopers is one of the best movies ever made. There is no way that you can not like that movie. I mostly watch comedies! God I love them! Coming in at a close second to Super Troopers would have to be Eurotrip! That movie is hilarious! I like horror films, but if I watch them I need a pillow to hold onto or an arm! I think one of the craziest movies I watched was Saw. That was freakin creepy at the end. I would go on but I would ruin it for anyone who hasn’t seen it. OK then I went and watched Saw 2 in the theater! Freakin A that is a scary movie. I thought the first one was crazy, no, no, no, not compared to the second one! Mother of God it is creepy. I like romance movies to a certain point as long as they don’t get corny; one of my favorites is "a Walk to Remember". Action films are good to but I have to be in the mood to watch them! For instance "Troy" or "Mr. and Mrs. Smith"!
My absolute favorite show is House. That show has everything, comedy, drama, romance and some action! My second favorite would have to be Scrubs! Its hilarious, I love J.D. Strangely enough another favorite of mine is E.R. I know, I know, its weird that my top 3 are all medical! But it really does make sense; I mean I am going into the medical field. I have a couple other shows I like to watch. Two and a Half Men is a great comedy! And who could pass up a classic like Friends or Will and Grace! But when it comes to reality TV shows, count me out. I'm not a fan of those, what so ever!
Hmm thats tough. I dont always have alot of time to read, however, I really enjoyed "The Shadow Club Rising" and its sequel. Even though I read it years ago, I loved the novel "Holes"
Umm...I am going to have say my Dad. He is the one that has taught me just about everything I need know (besides what I learn in school ?). He has come to every soccer and basketball game that I have ever had! He’s an amazing dad! Those are just a couple reasons I am following in his foot steps! My mom is right up there! I can go to her about anything. She has some of the best advice too. Ah the good old parental units! I think my brother is a hero too. He is pretty cool, although he can have his moments! He's someone to hangout with and have a good laugh. He's also a firefighter so I have to give him props for that!