Having run (walked fast) away (escaped) from the circus, Enrico was buying new shoes from a Nuneaton market stall where Eric happened to be working. Eric was particularly bored that day so asked Enrico if he'd like to form a band with him. "Ok" said Enrico. So off they went in search of beer that would hopefully not only bring them inspiration, but get them shit faced enough to make it through the evening's rampant sex that was sure to ensue. As fortune would have it, they decided to catch the bus to the pub, the pub was at the other end of the street, and it was a long street. This was where the luck really began. Who should be driving the number 69 but none other than Olaf. They hit it off straight away. It was either the way he slammed their change into their hands, or the tone of his voice as he screeched "keep your fucking feet of the seats". An instant bond was formed, and The Piss Flaps were born. We're here today to rock your ass.
New material is on the way, but in the meantime we're also available for all forms of promotional work. Last week we opened the new Macclesfield branch of Netto. Gig dates coming soon.