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I am here for Friends

About Me

Hip Hop Comment Graphics at
"LAST NAMES CAN TELL ALOT ABOUT A PERSON.. something wonderful will happen....F: Awsome in bed! L: You are GREAT in BED! O: Awsome KISSER! R: You Like To Drink! E: AWSOME IN BED! S: FUCKIN' CRAZY...U KNOW IT!love/>------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------ A : You like to drink. B : You like people. C : You are really silly. D: You Are Great in bed E: Awesome in bed F : You are dead sexy. G : You Are Great in bed. H : You have a very good personality and good looks I: you are silly J : People Adore yOU K : You're wild and crazy. L: You Are Great in bed. M : Best kisser ever. N : Easy to fall in love with. O: Awesome kisser. P : You are popular with all types of people. Q : You are a hypocrite. R : You like to drink. S : Fuckin crazy. T : You're loyal to those you love. U : You really like to chill. V : You are not judgemental. W : Awesome kisser. X : You never let people tell you what to do. Y: Best bf/gf anyone could ask for Z : Always remembered
Hip Hop Comment Graphics at
found this music layout at HOT :: MyHotComments

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