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I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

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KiqkRoqkszx || CmmtMeh || MssqeMeh || Fliqkszx------------------------------------------------xO name scooby charisma ihave swaqq iqot wayne is my role model ifha yhu dont like it bye ??? ???му ѕ4ѕ/ω4ω ¢σ∂є ѕсоовч тнα соосніз моиѕтзя REASONSZ TO ADD -A REAL MYSPACE FRIEND -LOVE MEETING NEW PEOPLE -FREAKY -FUNNY -NICE REASONSZ NOT TO ADD -YOU ALREADY MY FRIEND -YOUR ANTI SOCIAL -STUCK UP -DONT LIKE FREAKZ -DONT LIKE REAL PEOPLE CREATED BY : MISZZKEKE
[Add Sc00by!] [click pic to add!] Why Add? He'll pc4pc, actually speak t0 y0u, and return messages. He's freshh to death. He's mad c00l. Why Not Add? Your a drama queen 0r king. Y0u'll j0ck his swagg. Y0ur a hater.

ohhkayy yhu allreadyy kno dhaa real futchuhh wifeyy hadd 2 comee thru & hackk myy boo boo paqeee hee isz def. hubbyy typeee hee qottuhh bee wun of dhaa coolest niqquhsz ievuh met +&itsz muchh moree den a physicul attractionn 2 himm icudd see usz bein friendsz 4 alonqqqq timee weee tawkk on dhaa fonee till dhaa breakk of dawnn tawkn bouhdd pratikullyy nothn +&ifeel lykee icudd tell himm anythinqq wee text eachh othuhh lyk durrsz noo 2morro &sometimesz icann bee a bishh & soo cann heee buhd inn dhaa endd it all worksz out +&imayy not havee known himm 4 dhaa lonqq buhdd forr dhaa timee ihavee it hasz been qreeaat =] -?|kiraaa.letiaaa| yoooooo ! wadihtdo ? dis dhee uno &+ ONLY ( ALiiCiiA] hackin my bae scooby'sz paqe. hmm what to say bout him .... he'sz dhee best no fhuckin doubt . i stay talkin to him about anythinq &+ errthanq ; from myspace layouts to musiq ; from friends to lil wayne lol ; he stay makin me lauqh ; &+ we coo as hell &_ i hope it stays dat way . dis my niqq &+ dare any bitch to stepp wronq or fhuck up ; buht dont worry he dont take shiet ; especially from ( niqqas ] lik yall . sorry if u offended yhu ; HA . not 4real lmfao ; buht anyway he lik a brother to me : ) ( ? ] always ; im out__x
HEy WUtgOOd MySPACE?!?! tHiSz b yUH GiRl LADii NyMpHO iM HURR tO tALk bOUt MuH fUtURE HUBBy [?]SCOOBy[?]Hmm WEll HES A CUtiE,HES fUNNy,fREAKy && HES b tHERE fUR yUH ANitiME yUH NEEd tO tALk.i jUST MEt HiM bUH i fEEl LiKE i kNEW HiM fOREvER & i lOVE HiM tO dEATh HE iSz WHAt i WANt iNA MAN & i fEEl REAl SPECiAL WHEN i tALk tUH HiM & tHAtz A REAl tALk ;i GOt MAdd lOVE fOR HiM;HOPE HE kNOW HOW i FEEl bOUt HiM;HES MEAN tHE WORLd tO ME..i LOvE yOU bOO!SO Umm yEA bITCHES HES MiNE SO bACk tHA fUCK OFF yA Diqq?!?!ANiWAyz iMA WRit3 MO lATA lOVE yUH ALWAyz >>LADii NyMpHO<<wel dis be ya gurl *myriam* hackin ma pooh scooty-booh ?SCOOBY? page..wel ta any a yal who never talk ta him b4 he is an amazin person down ta earth! even tho i aint been knowin him fa dat long i feel i could come ta him wit any problem an he a be dere ta listen ta me. HE FUNNY,an A SWEETHEART!not jus any sweetheart HE A SEXC a*s DUDE! MuCh LuVh BaBe, yA fAv :D YEA THIS YA GIRL JEANETTE((DELORIS)) HACKIN SCOOBY'S PAGE..EVEN DOE I MEET HIM OVA DA SPACE AND I SEEN HIM AT THE MOVIES CLOWIN WIT HIS BOYS..HES THE DIFINTION OF REAL OR A REAL FRIEND HES SEXY COOL AND FUNNY Scooby. My Fave This here is the guy who makes myspace important. lol. He made me thee sweetest fan sign and no matter how i'm feeling his status can make me laugh at the drop of a dime. Scoobster ; your my favorite myspace friend. & I ? watsz up myspace disz ya gurl miss.taylOr hackinq my bOO scOOby paqe;hmmsz..wat can i sai bOut him...i quesz nunthin..lOl..j/p...but aniiwaiesz i lOv dis dude...fareal...but aniwaiesz he da cOOlest&&da realest dude On myspace...&&a freak at dat..lOl...datsz wat i like....lOl...i lOve ya scOOby..but aniiwaies.z...i can say dat he funny..nice sweet Or wateva...he qOt a sOft side ta em..i quesz u can say dat...but im qOne nOw..lOve ya bOO DIZ B ~*{T~LaDy}*~ HACKIN SCOOBY JUS 2 LET YU ALL KNO HE IS SO NICE && SEXI LOL BT YEA HE..S A VERY KWEL PERSON && TAWK 2 ER BODT SO HIT MI SEXI *SOON* 2 B BABEZZ LOL UP

My Blog

If you need to boost exposure for apps or anything, read! :D

Posted by on Thu, 25 Jun 2009 09:33:00 GMT

A Lil About Me

Listen well not listen just read umm..? Im not like other Myspacerz Im Real Cool Funny and Freaky.. I talk to all my friends or i try to if i cant find you thats not my fault, but if you wanna talk le...
Posted by on Sun, 03 Aug 2008 13:04:00 GMT

Why do Ghirls lie..?

Top 5 Lies that Ghirls Tell.. 1. I don't Suck dick/Give head 2. How old they are 3. Im a Virgen 4. Im Cuming 5. Hes just a Friend Why do Yall Lie About these Things..?
Posted by on Sun, 27 Jul 2008 14:45:00 GMT

Rodney-Vs-Scooby who would you rather date..?

Rodney -Vs  Scooby 1. Under Cover Freak         & nbsp;    1.Wide Open Freak 2. Nice        &nbs...
Posted by on Sun, 27 Jul 2008 14:03:00 GMT