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About Me

I created my layout at KillerKiwi.netmy name is hosanna. i'm black and i'm beautiful. i'm seven yrs old and have thirteen nipples*. i live with woody. he's my best friend. he's real cool and we have lots of fun together. i like it when we go for rides in the van and play 'fuck the squirrels' in the backyard. i'm very smart and can do many tricks. my favorite is left paw - right paw. i'm good at it. when woody pisses me off, i get into the trash. i get it everywhere. the best is when i do a 'puppy manhattan' in one of his shoes. he hates it. i like it when all of woody's band friends come over. they play with me and i get lots of attention. sometimes he takes me to shows. i like that alot too. rejicide mosh pits are the best. every once in awhile, when woody is gone, i pinch some good and take naps in his bed under the blankets. it's warm and cozy. (* coincidence? i think not.)

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